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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:14:41  

摘 要

二十一世纪信息技术的进步给智慧校园的信息化创建提供了技术支持, 尤其是移动通信的进步导致整个社会更专注于​​移动校园的发展。智能手机这十几年来迅速地普及得益于它操作简单,携带便捷。特别是在高校这样的大环境下,学生使用手机的频率非常之高。在校大学生经常需要查询下一节课程的信息,比如上课时间和地点。同时,大学课程繁重,作业杂多,同学也需要一个适时的提醒功能,因此亟需设计一款为校园教学服务的APP来整合学习方面的一些资源,为高校学生提供便利。


论文基于大学生的日常需求,建立系统模型,使用 Android平台进行功能设计,建立对应的数据库。本项目作为本人的本科生毕业设计选题,难度适合于个人开发,在设计过程中能够帮助本人学习新知识,并且锻炼本人学以致用的能力、编程思想与编程能力、数据挖掘能力等。



The advancement of information technology in the 21st century has brought a huge impetus to the informatization of smart campuses, especially the progress of the mobile communication direction, so that the development of campus informatization has focused on the construction of mobile campuses. Especially for smart hands, with the improvement of hardware configuration and optimization of software performance, most things that can only be done with a computer can be completed, coupled with its own portability and simple operation, it makes mobile phones It has been rapidly spreading over the past decade. Especially in a large environment like colleges and universities, students use mobile phones very frequently. Especially for freshmen, you need to frequently check the curriculum, check the location of a class, and check the homework issued by the teacher in the course. Therefore, it is urgent to design an APP for campus teaching to integrate some of the learning aspects. Resources to provide convenience for college students.

The campus teaching assistant system is a mobile APP based on the Android platform. Its purpose is to create a more efficient campus teaching service platform for school students. This system is suitable for ordinary colleges and universities and provides students with more convenient access to campus teaching resources.

The thesis takes the general needs of college students as the basic point, establishes a system model, performs functional design based on the Android platform, and establishes a corresponding database. This project is a topic for my undergraduate graduation design. The difficulty and scale are moderate. It is suitable for personal development. It can exercise my ability to learn new knowledge and apply it, programming ideas and programming ability, data mining ability, etc.

Key Words: Android; mobile phone; campus teaching service

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状分析 2

1.3国内高校信息化建设 4

1.4研究目的与意义 5

1.5研究内容与方法 6

1.6论文组织结构 7

第2章 需求分析 9

2.1可行性分析 9

2.2用户分析 11

2.3功能需求分析 11

2.4非功能需求分析 13

2.4.1用户体验 13

2.4.2安全性 13

第3章 软件系统设计 15

3.1设计目的 15

3.2系统架构设计 15

3.3功能模块结构 16

3.3.1课程表模块 17

3.3.2笔记模块 18

3.3.3提醒模块 19

3.3.4通信模块 20

3.3.5注册登录模块 20

3.4系统流程设计 21

第4章 软件实现 23

4.1实验环境与实验设置 23

4.2功能实现 23

4.2.1注册登陆模块 23

4.2.2功能主页面模块 25

4.2.3课程表功能模块 25

4.2.4笔记功能模块 26

4.2.5提醒功能 27

4.2.6通信功能 28

第5章 结论 30

5.1研究工作总结 30

5.2未来工作展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论



智能手机的核心就是它的操作系统,而如今市面上主流的操作系统必有Android系统。这是由谷歌、开放手持设备联盟联合研发,谷歌公司独家推出的智能操作系统。2019年数据显示,安卓占据全球智能手机操作系统市场87%的份额,中国市场占有率为90%,彻底占领中国智能手机市场,也成为了全球最受欢迎的智能手机操作系统[2]。本次设计的重心也是放到了Android 系统应用的开发上。


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