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 2021-10-26 21:59:47  

摘 要


本文以C 为编程工具,基于OpenCV库设计并实现了一套交通标志识别系统,其中包含检测和识别两个部分。





With the rapid development of China's economy and the prosperity of the automotive industry, the number of motor vehicles is increasing year by year. When people enjoy this convenient transportation, various traffic accidents occur frequently, which seriously damages the personal safety and property safety of the people. Therefore, the intelligent transportation system came into being in this environment and became an indispensable part of modern automobiles. In the intelligent transportation system, the recognition of traffic signs as an important link has aroused widespread concern at home and abroad.

This article uses C as a programming tool and designs and implements a set of traffic sign recognition system based on the OpenCV library, which includes detection and recognition.

In the detection process of traffic signs, first of all, the image preprocessing process, that is, the use of gamma transformation for image enhancement, to improve the image quality, and then use Gaussian filtering to filter out noise. Then, threshold segmentation is performed according to the color features of traffic signs, and RGB color space is converted into HSI color space for threshold segmentation. Segmentation based on color information has certain limitations. Since traffic signs have a specific shape, segmentation based on shape features will be more stable and reliable. This experiment chooses to extract all the contours and filter according to the characteristics of the specific shape of the traffic sign (circularity, symmetry), which can effectively detect the traffic sign and obtain the target area.

In the process of traffic sign recognition, this thesis uses a combination of feature extraction and machine learning. The feature extraction uses the histogram of oriented gradients algorithm, and the recognition uses the classic support vector machine algorithm in machine learning. The training set is a picture containing only traffic signs. The recognition effect is very satisfactory, and the operation efficiency is very high. Make corresponding adjustments to the color threshold and screening conditions, and change the parameters of the function to adapt to the recognition of various types of traffic signs in various environments.

Keywords: Intelligent traffic system; traffic sign detection; traffic sign recognition; Machine learning; feature extraction;image segmentation; Histogram of Oriented Gradient; Support Vector Machine


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 交通标志识别的研究难点 2

1.4 本文结构 3

第2章 系统设计 4

2.1交通标志分类 4

2.2 系统设计及流程框架 5

第3章 交通标志的检测 7

3.1 图像预处理 7

3.1.1 图像增强 7

3.1.2 图像滤波 9

3.2 颜色阈值分割 10

3.3 形状分割 12

3.3.1 形态学处理 12

3.3.2 轮廓提取和筛选目标区域 14

第4章 交通标志的识别 16

4.1 HOG特征提取算法 16

4.2 SVM分类识别算法 18

第5章 结果展示及分析 22

第6章 总结 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


为了解决车辆行驶安全问题,智能交通系统(Intelligent Traffic System,简称ITS)应运而生,并逐渐成为研究的热门[1]。ITS涉及到的学科领域有人工智能、自动控制和传感器等,是一个智能、高效的综合管理系统,致力于服务整个交通运输体系。

由于交通标志是道路安全设施的重要组成部分以及道路交通信息的重要载体,能传递引导、限制、警告或指示信息,对于指示道路状况、引导行人和安全驾驶有重要的意义,故交通标志识别系统(Traffic Sign Recognition,简称TSR),作为ITS的重要组成部分[2],已逐渐受到广泛关注并成为研究的焦点。


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