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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:01:45  

摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

1.3国内外研究状况 2

1.4研究内容及论文结构 4

第2章 需求分析及总体设计 6

2.1无线电能传输方案选择 6

2.2 高频逆变电路 8

2.3 QI标准的介绍 9

2.3.1线圈的选型 9

2.3.2通信流程 9

2.4负载调制 10

第3章 无线“能量信息”传输系统硬件设计 11

3.1微处理器与稳压电路设计 11

3.2逆变电路设计 12

3.4负载调制电路设计 14

3.5解码电路 14

第4章 无线“能量信息”传输系统软件设计 20

4.1逆变器软件实现 20

4.2传感器数据采集 21

4.3 信息发送板编码方案 21

4.3.1位编码 21

4.3.2字节编码 22

4.3.3数据包编码 22

4.4信息发射板软件流程图 23

4.5信息接收板数据解码 23

4.5.1位解码 23

4.5.2字节解码 24

4.5.3数据包解码 24

4.6能量接收板软件流程图 25

第5章 总结与展望 26

5.1系统实物介绍与测试 26

5.2工作总结 27

5.3工作展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 30

摘 要


本系统是基于QI协议的能量信息采集系统,是一种能量传输和信息传递逆向同步进行的系统。该系统能量的发送板也是信息传输的接收板,信息的发送板也是能量的接收板。能量传输采用的是逆变电路,将直流电转化成交流电,将能量从能量发射板传递到能量接收板进行供能。信息传输采用的是负载调制的方式,传输码字的“0”“1”分别对应IO口高低电平,高低电平对应着不同的接入谐振电路的匹配电容,从而两种不同的码字对应着两种不同的互感状态。信息接收板通过“包络检波 带通滤波 电压比较器”的解码电路进行信号的解码,并且用STM8微处理器进行解码信号的读取以及传感器数据的提取,最后通过串口传输给电脑上位机进行显示。和传统设备相比,最大的不同点是在信息发送板减少了电源模块与通信模块,由线圈之间的互感直接实现。这样做节省了系统的空间,节约了器件材料,也是本系统的创新之所在。



Generally, the traditional wireless transmission system is a only one-way transmission of information. Its general process is built on the power supply with two-side and two-circuit boards. Its information exchange and communication are through other means. However, there are many problems with this method, such as loss of device material, excess energy loss.

QI protocol energy/information acquisition system is a kind of energy transmission and information transmission process reverse synchronization system. In QI, the energy of the transmission board is also the information transmission of the receiver board. The information transmission board is also the energy of the receiver board. The energy and information transmission is realized through the inverter for power transmission, energy receiver board and sensor data collection with the platform of STM8 microprocessor. In accordance with the QI protocol, the data encoding, the modulation of the way to send data and the information receiving board for data decoding are studied. Making full use of the physical layer, the data-link-layer communication strategy for the next step of transmission is researched. The system uses a serial port to collect data sent to the computer on the machine to display. Compared with traditional equipments, the biggest difference is that the information sending board reduces the power module and communication module directly by mutual inductance between coils. This contribution of the paper saves the space of the system and the material of the device, which is also the innovation of the system.

Key Words:wireless transmission;load modulation;energy saving;QI protocol

第一章 绪论




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