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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:01:31  

摘 要







The traditional on-site maritime supervision is a regional method by setting an alert area and using the resources such as alert ships to keep the nearby ships alert. The drawback of this method lies in a waste of maritime supervision resources and a significant impact on the navigation efficiency. In order to guarantee the navigation safety of both seaplane and ship nearby during the seaplane taking off and landing and improve the navigation efficiency of the takeoff and landing water, this research focuses on a hierarchical alert decision-making based on collision risk assessment. The research result will also assist to improve the efficiency of maritime supervision and save the supervision resources.

The assessment model of collision risk between seaplane and ship is developed based on the literature research and accident investigations regarding the seaplane safety during the takeoff and landing. By analyzing the movement characteristics of seaplane during takeoff and landing, especially the speed changing characteristics and combining the analysis theory of collision risk between ships , two models are developed, being for Distance at Closest Point of Approach (DCPA) and Safety Distance of Approach (SDA), which are the basis of the proposed two-dimensional assessment model for collision risk between seaplane and ship. The software MATLAB is adopted to calculate and pre-judge the risk. According to the judgment result, a hierarchical alert system is established based on the risk degree. The corresponding alert scheme and detailed measures are determined accordingly, which forms the alert decision-making for the takeoff and landing water of seaplanes.

Finally,a case study during the seaplane takeoff and landing in Sanya is carried out to validate the proposed risk assessment model.

The results prove the effectiveness of the model in judging the collision risk between a seaplane and a ship with a constant speed and course occurred stochastically in the nearby. Based on the judgement, the corresponding hierarchical alert decision can be made. With such a collision risk assessment, the navigation safety and efficiency of the takeoff and landing water can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. The alert decision during the seaplane taking off and landing would be made scientifically and the ships navigation would be kept highly efficient.

Key Words:Seaplane ;The risk assessment model of collision;the safety of Taking-off and landing;Alert decisions

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 水上飞机发展概述 1

1.2 水上飞机的营运管理现状 2

1.2.1 国外水上飞机营运管理现状 2

1.2.2 国内水上飞机营运管理现状 2

1.3 水上飞机起降水域警戒决策研究的意义 2

1.3.1 从水上飞机安全管理现状分析研究意义 3

1.3.2 从水上飞机属性分析研究意义 3

1.3.3 从水上飞机事故特征分析研究意义 3

第二章 水上飞机起降水域安全研究现状 5

2.1 国外研究现状 5

2.2 国内研究现状 6

2.3 水上飞机事故调查统计与分析 9

2.3.1 美国水上飞机事故调查统计与分析 9

2.3.2 国内水上飞机事故案例分析 9

第三章 水上飞机起降运动特性分析 10

3.1 水上飞机起降过程基本特征 10

3.2 水上飞机起降速度变化特征 11

第四章 船舶与水上飞机碰撞危险评判模型的建立 14

4.1 水上飞机领域模型 14

4.2 以水上飞机领域作为碰撞危险评判依据的合理性分析 17

4.3 基于水上飞机的运动特性构建碰撞危险评判模型 18

4.3.1 船舶碰撞危险评判的方法 18

4.3.2 船舶与水上飞机碰撞危险评判模型的构建 19 船舶与水上飞机的运动参数设定 19 基于水上飞机运动特性构建碰撞危险评判模型 23

第五章 基于碰撞危险评判的起降水域警戒决策 30

5.1 确定警戒决策的原则 30

5.2 起降水域警戒决策 30

5.2.1 警戒分级 30

5.2.2 警戒方案和警戒措施 30

5.2.3 海事与塔台协同警戒 31

第六章 实例验证 33

第七章 结论与展望 38

7.1 结论 38

7.2 创新点 38

7.3 展望 38

参考文献 40

附录A 41

致 谢 44


1.1 水上飞机发展概述


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