2020-04-20 13:52:37
摘 要
Evaluation of concrete erosion inhibitors and study of their action mechanism
Concrete material is current the main material of construction projects, so the corrosion problem of concrete has attracted widely attention, during the life of the concrete, causing poor durability, a large number of engineering premature deterioration that retired, in fact, is the main reason of the concrete were broken due to the corrosive media through a variety of transport channel (hole, interface and crack, etc.) into the concrete internal structure damage caused by corrosion products, the production area in ocean alternating wet and dry seasons of chloride ion erosion is particularly serious, therefore, the research on the rules of transport of chloride ions in concrete has extremely vital significance.
By comparing the depth and concentration of chloride ion transfer in concrete before and after adding corrosion inhibitor, the mechanism and effect of corrosion inhibitor on concrete structure were evaluated.According to the characteristics of the steel corrosion of chlorine salt environment, chlorine preparation is suitable for the conditions of corrosion inhibitor materials, simulation of concrete structure under dry-wet alternate environment of chloride ion erosion, building a transmission model of one dimensional diffusion of chloride ions, soaking in 3.5% NaCl solution, concrete by controlling the water level to concrete test piece in full immersion and long-term half soaking conditions, two research C35 and C50 concrete strength grade after adding corrosion inhibitor changes in various performance indicators and the transmission mechanism of chloride ions,The chloride ion transfer depth and chloride ion concentration at corresponding depths were measured at different ages under semi-immersion and full-immersion conditions.The results show that the performance indexes of concrete have a small range of fluctuation after erosion inhibition, but all of them are in the normal range, and do not affect the normal use of concrete at all.Test different age (10, 20 d d) the depth of the transmission of chloride ions in concrete as well as the content of chloride ion, the experimental data showed that after adding corrosion inhibitors can significantly reduce the chloride ion content in the incoming depth, and the effect of half-and-half of concrete more apparent, intuitive by experiments show the effect of corrosion inhibitors.
Keywords: durability, chloride ion erosion, inhibitor, dry-wet alternation.
摘 要 I
目录 IV
第一章 前 言 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 氯离子引起钢筋锈蚀机理 2
1.2.2 氯离子传输理论的研究 3
1.2.3 混凝土微观结构对离子传输的影响 4
1.3主要存在的问题 4
1.4本文研究目标及内容 4
第二章 原材料及实验方法 6
2.1原材料 6
2.2配合比设计 7
2.3主要实验仪器 7
2.4实验方法 9
2.4.1 混凝土拌合物性能的测试方法 9
2.4.2 混凝土抗压强度的测定 9
2.4.3 混凝土氯离子渗透系数 9
2.4.4 混凝土收缩率的测定 10
2.4.5 粉体中氯离子含量测试方法 10
2.4.6 水化产物XRD测试方法 11
2.4.7 水化产物XRF测试方法 12
2.4.8 水化产物烧失量测试方法 12
第三章 混凝土侵蚀抑制剂性能评价 13
3.1混凝土侵蚀抑制剂自身性能测试 13
3.2混凝土拌合物性能 13
3.2.1 坍落度与含气量 13
3.2.2 凝结时间与泌水率 14
3.3力学性能与耐久性性能 15
3.3.1 抗压强度 15
3.3.2 氯离子渗透系数 16
3.4水化产物 16
3.4.1 XRF 16
3.4.2 烧失量结果 16
3.4.3 XRD 17
3.5小结 18
第四章 混凝土侵蚀抑制作用机制研究 20
4.1混凝土全浸泡及干湿交变试验装置及试块处理过程 20
4.1.1 混凝土全浸泡及干湿交变试验装置 20
4.1.2 钢筋处理过程与混凝土成型 20
4.1.3 混凝土表面处理过程 21
4.2钢筋锈蚀指标 22
4.2.1 腐蚀电压与腐蚀电流密度 22
4.2.2 直观对比 22
4.3浸泡及半浸泡条件下氯离子传输过程研究 23
4.3.1 逐层磨粉过程 23
4.3.2 粉体酸溶过程 23
4.3.3 氯离子浓度测试 23
4.3.4 全浸泡条件下氯离子侵蚀过程 24
4.3.5 干湿循环条件下氯离子侵蚀过程 24
4.4小结 25
第五章 结论与展望 26
参考文献 27
第一章 前 言
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