2022-01-02 16:56:04
摘 要
针对以上问题,本文拟采用传统固相烧结法制备ZnO线性电阻陶瓷,以ZnO- MgO-Al2O3三元体系为基础配方,尝试在ZnO线性电阻陶瓷基础上掺杂Nb2O5及稀土氧化物La2O3,经过非线性系数,晶界势垒高度,电阻频率等测试,研究Nb2O5及La2O3对ZnO线性电阻陶瓷的影响,研究高频下电学性能,以提高ZnO线性电阻综合电学性能及稳定性。
结果表明,掺杂Nb2O5可以减小ZnO线性电阻的电阻率,降低晶界势垒高度和非线性系数,增加高频下电阻率的稳定性;1.5wt.% Nb2O5掺杂下ZnO线性电阻表现出优异的综合性能:其电阻温度系数为-0.35×10-3/℃,非线性系数为1.04,晶界势垒高度为0.004eV。掺杂La2O3可以降低ZnO线性电阻的气孔率,提高其致密度,降低晶界势垒高度和非线性系数;ZnO线性电阻的最佳La2O3掺杂量是1.5%,最佳烧结温度是1390℃,制备出的ZnO线性电阻的电阻率为423Ω·cm,非线性系数为1.13,阻温系数为2.45×10-4/℃。
关键词:ZnO线性电阻 非线性系数 电学性能 Nb2O5 La2O5
Effect of Nb2O5 and La2O3 doping on the properties of ZnO linear resistance
ZnO linear resistance is a kind of n-type semiconductor material, which takes ZnO as the main material, doped with other elements (such as MgO, Al2O3, TiO2, etc.) and sintered at high temperature. ZnO linear resistor has the characteristics of low cost, adjustable resistivity, high current density, small resistance temperature coefficient, etc. it is widely used in circuit protection system, energy storage, grounding resistance, energy release resistance, etc. with the rapid development of China's electronics and power industry, the research and development of ZnO Resistor with good performance has become a hot spot.
Because of doping oxides of other elements in the preparation process, complex solid-state reactions will occur in the sintering process, which will have adverse effects on the sintered materials. This leads to the low repetition rate, performance instability and other problems of this kind of functional ceramics. In addition, up to now, researchers at home and abroad are still in the experimental stage of ZnO linear resistance, and there is no systematic study on its performance improvement. At present, the demand for resistance materials with stable performance is still on the rise. However, the current research situation has not met the actual needs.
In view of the above problems, this paper plans to use the traditional solid-phase sintering method to prepare ZnO linear resistance ceramics- Based on the MgO-Al2O3 ternary system, Nb2O5 and rare earth oxide La2O3 were doped on the basis of ZnO linear resistance ceramics. The effects of Nb2O5 and La2O3 on ZnO linear resistance ceramics were studied through the tests of nonlinear coefficient, barrier height of grain boundary, resistance frequency and so on. In order to improve the comprehensive electrical performance and stability of ZnO linear resistor, its high frequency electrical performance was studied.
The results show that Nb2O5 doping can reduce the resistivity of ZnO linear resistance, reduce the barrier height and nonlinear coefficient of grain boundary, and increase the stability of resistivity at high frequency; 1.5wt.% Nb2O5 doping ZnO linear resistance shows excellent comprehensive performance: the temperature coefficient of resistance is - 0.35 × 10-3 / ℃, the nonlinear coefficient is 1.04, and the barrier height of grain boundary is 0.004ev. Doping La2O3 can reduce the porosity of ZnO linear resistance, increase its density, reduce the barrier height and nonlinear coefficient of grain boundary; doping 1.5wt% La2O3 sintering at 1390 ℃ has good linear resistance performance, its resistivity is 423 Ω· cm, resistance temperature coefficient is 2.45 × 10-4 / ℃, nonlinear coefficient is 1.13.
Key words: ZnO linear resistance ;Nonlinear coefficient ; Electrical performance ;
Nb2O5; La2O5
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 ZnO线性电阻的研究背景 1
1.2 ZnO线性电阻的研究现状 1
1.3 添加剂对ZnO线性电阻性能的影响 2
1.4 研究目的及意义 2
第二章 ZnO线性电阻的制备及其表征 4
2.1材料制备 4
2.1.1实验试剂 4
2.1.2实验仪器 4
2.1.3工艺流程 5
2.1.4实验步骤 7
2.2 ZnO线性电阻的表征方法 8
2.2.1体积密度及气孔率 8
2.2.2 非线性系数 9
2.2.3 电阻温度系数 9
第三章 Nb2O5含量对ZnO线性电阻微观结构和电学性能的影响 10
3.1 引言 10
3.2 实验内容设计 10
3.3 结果与谈论 10
3.4 本章小结 16
第四章 La2O3含量对ZnO线性电阻微观结构和电学性能的影响 18
4.1 引言 18
4.2 实验内容设计 18
4.3 结果与谈论 18
4.4 本章小结 21
第五章 结论和展望 23
5.1 结论 23
5.2 展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26
第一章 绪论
1.1 ZnO线性电阻的研究背景
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