2022-05-29 22:46:11
摘 要
Preparation and electrochemical properties of magnesium anode of chloride ion battery
Chloride ion battery is a kind of battery based on chloride ion transfer. It has a higher theoretical energy density than lithium-ion batteries, and a broad variety of electrode materials. For instance, abundant magnesium could be used as its anode, Moreover, which also shows advantages in safety and environmentally-friendly features, making this battery a good application prospect in the field of secondary batteries. This work has investigated the preparation and electrochemical properties of magnesium anode for chloride ion battery. The results are as follows,
1. Magnesium powders with a hexagonal structure has been prepared by a chemical reduction method.
2. Mechanical milling using a stainless steel vial was used to prepare the composite of magnesium chloride/carbon nanotube, which was then reduced to the composite of magnesium/carbon nanotube (Mg/CN) by the chemical reduction method. The elemental distribution in the Mg/CN was not uniform.
3. A further mechanical milling using an agate vial was used to treat the Mg/CN composite. The elemental distribution was effectively improved; however, the electrochemical performance of this composite was not evidently improved and was inferior to that of the composite prepared by milling the commercial Mg and carbon nanotube. The element Chlorine was detected in the Mg/CN composite prepared by the chemical reduction method. This may be caused by an incomplete clean. Furthermore, it is difficult to get an electrode pellet with a high mechanical stability. Therefore, this composite shows a poor electrochemical performance.
Key Words: Chloride ion battery; Magnesium/carbon composite; Mechanical milling; Electrochemical performance
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 主要二次电池的种类和研究概况 1
1.2.1 锂离子电池综述 2
1.2.2 钠电池综述 2
1.2.3 镁电池综述 4
1.3 氯离子电池的提出及其研究概况 5
1.3.1 氯离子电池的正极材料 6
1.3.2 氯离子电池的负极材料 7
1.3.3 氯离子电池的电解液 7
1.4 氯离子电池镁负极材料的制备及其电化学性能的研究 8
1.4.1 单质镁粉末的制备方法 8
1.4.2 镁负极材料的制备及相关性能的研究 9
1.4.3 其他方法制备氯离子电池负极材料 10
1.5 结语 11
第二章 实验内容和方法 12
2.1 所需仪器及药品 12
2.1.1 仪器 12
2.1.2 药品 12
2.1.3 试样制备过程 13
2.2 材料成分分析 14
2.2.1 XRD射线衍射分析 14
2.1.2 SEM分析 15
2.2.3 恒流充放电测试 15
第三章 实验结果与讨论 16
3.1 XRD分析 16
3.2 SEM分析 16
3.3 电化学性能测试 20
第四章 结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25
第一章 绪论
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