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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-21 21:22:25  


摘 要



1. 以硫脲、钼酸铵为原料,用盐酸来调节PH,接着运用水热法来制备MoS2材料。使用XRD、SEM这两种方法来表征制备得到的试样,通过分析进而知道所制备的样品是MoS2材料。

2. 使用LiOH 作为插层剂,在乙二醇环境下将Li嵌入MoS2基质层间,使其与水反应,使得多层MoS2剥离为单层MoS2,也就是所要制备的1T相MoS2。然后使用与上面相同的表征方法来对制备的产物进行表征分析。再探究其在不同温度下热稳定性,使用XRD来说明其稳定性。

3. 利用亚甲基蓝作为有机物污染物,分别探讨所制备的多层和1T相MoS2材料在光照条件下作为催化剂对亚甲基蓝进行降解的催化性能。

关键词:MoS2 水热法 插层法 光催化

Preparation and characterization of 1T Phase MoS2 with High Stability


My topic is to prepare 1T phase MoS2 by hydrothermal method and then discuss its application in photocatalysis. The so-called 1T phase MoS2, which is often referred to as nano-lamellar MoS2. In this paper, I intend to use two methods to prepare 1T phase MoS2, The first method is to prepare 1T phase MoS2, directly by controlling the hydrothermal reaction temperature. The second method is to prepare multi-layer MoS2, by hydrothermal reaction and then enhance Li by ultrasound. The 1T phase MoS2 was prepared by intercalation method.

We investigated the multi-layer MoS2 and 1T phase MoS2, and discussed the degradation properties of these two materials under photo-assisted conditions. The relevant contents are as follows:

1. Thiourea and ammonium molybdate were used as raw materials, hydrochloric acid was used to adjust PH, and then hydrothermal method was used to prepare MoS2 materials. We are going to use the two methods of XRD and SEM to characterize the prepared sample. Through analysis, we know that the prepared sample is the MoS2 material we need.

2. Using LiOH as intercalation agent, Li was embedded into MoS2 matrix in ethylene glycol environment to react with water, so that the multi-layer MoS2 was peeled off into monolayer MoS2, which is the 1T phase MoS2 we want to prepare. We used the same characterization method as above to characterize the prepared product. Then explore its thermal stability at different temperatures, using XRD to explain its stability.

3. Using methylene blue as organic pollutants, the catalytic properties of the prepared multilayer and 1T phase MoS2 materials as catalysts for degradation of methylene blue under light conditions were investigated.

Key words: MoS2; hydrothermal; intercalation; photocatalysis

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 MoS2的发展 1

1.2 层状MoS2的制备方法 2

1.2.1水热法 2

1.2.2化学气相沉积法 2

1.2.3机械剥离法 2

1.2.4锂离子-插层剥离法 3

1.2.5超重力法 3

1.3 MoS2在催化方面的应用 3

1.3.1催化水裂解氢 3

1.3.2加氢脱硫 3

1.3.3有机污染物的光催化降解 4

1.4 MoS2在光电器件方面的应用 4

1.4.1Li电池 4

1.4.2湿度传感器 4

1.5 MoS2在润滑方面的应用 4

1.6 实验的目的及意义 5

1.6.1实验的目的 5

1.6.2实验的意义 5

第二章 MoS2的制备 6

2.1 MoS2的结构及其性质 6

2.1.1MoS2的晶体结构 6

2.1.2MoS2的理化性质 6

2.2 2H-MoS2的制备 7

2.2.1制备方法 7

2.2.2试剂及药品 8

2.2.3实验的仪器设备 8

2.2.4实验方法 8

2.3 通过控制水热反应温度制备1T相MoS2 8

2.4 通过超声增强锂嵌入的方式进行制备1T相MoS2 9

2.4.1制备原理 9

2.4.2试剂和药品 10

2.4.3实验方法 10

第三章 MoS2的表征与分析 11

3.1 2H-MoS2的XRD物相分析 11

3.2 控制反应温度制备的样品的XRD物相分析 11

3.3 1T相MoS2的表征 12

3.3.1XRD的物相分析 12

3.3.2对不同温度下的1T相MoS2进行XRD表征 13

3.3.3扫描电镜的分析 14

3.4 MoS2光催化降解有机物 15

3.4.1降解机理 15

3.4.2实验过程 16

第四章 结论 18

4.1 实验结论 18

4.2 展望 18

参考文献 19

致谢 22

第一章 绪论

1.1 MoS2的发展


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