2021-06-08 00:56:23
摘 要
研究结果表明:1.该梯度时间水热法是基于在同一反应溶液中,两种不同物质在不同浓度梯度下、不同时间段内的依次生长;2.V2O5/NaV6O15三维分级异质结构纳米材料,在作为锂离子电池正极材料时,其循环稳定性和容量方面要优于纯V2O5材料及V2O5/NaV6O15的物理混合物;3.结合原位XRD表征技术发现,分支结构V2O5和主干结构NaV6O15之间存在着协同效应。在充放电过程中,其分支结构对主干结构具有显著的保护作用,可降低锂离子嵌入脱出的能量势垒和缓冲应力,并保护其结构稳定性,因而表现出优异的电化学性能。在锂电池测试结果中,三维分级异质结构V2O5/NaV6O15在电流密度为5 A g-1时,循环1000圈后其放电比容量为初始容量的92%,展现出很好的循环稳定性。所得结果对于优化钒基电极材料的结构稳定性具有重要的指导意义。
We developed a one-step gradient hydrothermal method to obtain 3D V2O5/NaV6O15 hierarchical heterogeneous nanostructures, and when employed as a cathode electrode, it exhibits the best electrochemical performance than pure V2O5, NaV6O15 and V2O5/NaV6O15 physical mixture in a lithium battery. This result is beneficial and directive to optimize electrochemical performance of vanadium based materials as well as improve the structural integrity.
This paper is focus on the application of 3D V2O5/NaV6O15 hierarchical heterogeneous microspheres in a lithium battery, and provides a strategy to solve the structural damage and capacity fading of V2O5 materials. Via electrochemical tests and in situ XRD techniques, it can be concluded the reason of improved performance of 3D V2O5/NaV6O15 heterogeneous materials. And this synthetic method has been extended to other materials, including V2O5/ZnV2O6 and V2O5/CoV2O6.
From experimental results, we can obtain the following conclusion. First, this synthetic method is based on controlling the sequence of nucleation and growth processes of different structural units in the same precursor. Second, 3D V2O5/NaV6O15 heterogeneous microspheres electrodes exhibit better performance than that of pure V2O5, NaV6O15 and V2O5/NaV6O15 physical mixture. Third, based on in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterizations, we clearly elucidated the synergistic effect between the branched vanadate and backbone structure, and the branched NaV6O15 help to reduce the potential barrier and buffer the impact of crystal-system transformations. When tested at a high rate of 5 A g-1, 92% of the initial capacity can be maintained after 1,000 cycles. We believe this specific synergistic effect investigated by in situ XRD will be significant for the design of better electrodes.
The feature of this work including the originality of synthetic method, the proof of Li-storage mechanism and improved performance of heterogeneous materials.
Key Words:vanadium based; hierarchical heterostructures; synergistic effect;Li-ion batteries; in situ XRD
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 钒基电极材料研究进展 2
1.3 分级、异质结构纳米材料 3
1.4 本文研究内容及意义 4
第2章 V2O5/NaV6O15分级异质结构制备与电化学性能 6
2.1 实验仪器及原料 6
2.1.1 实验仪器 6
2.1.2 实验原料 6
2.2 梯度时间水热法制备机理 7
2.3 V2O5/NaV6O15梯度时间水热法制备与表征 8
2.4 V2O5/NaV6O15的储锂性能 14
2.5 V2O5/NaV6O15的原位XRD表征与机理探究 16
第3章 梯度时间水热法制备三维分级异质结构的推广 22
3.1 V2O5/ZnV2O6梯度时间水热法制备与表征 22
3.2 V2O5/CoV2O6梯度时间水热法制备与表征 23
第4章 结论与展望
4.1 结论 26
4.2 展望 26
参考文献 27
致谢 32
第1章 绪论
1.1 引言
纳米级结构材料,简称纳米材料,是指在三维的空间中,至少有一维方向是处于纳米尺度的材料(即尺度为1-100 nm,其中1 nm为1×10-9 m)。因纳米材料的小尺寸效应等,其所表现出来的物理化学性质,如导电性、熔点、光学特性及催化活性等,往往不同于该物质呈宏观块体状态时所表现的性质。因此,制备合成出特殊的纳米材料,将在储能、催化等领域展现出极大的应用前景。
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