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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

武汉城市圈公路孝昌至汉川段(K5 000~K10 000)施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-06-08 00:56:17  

摘 要





This graduation design is a part of the Wuhan city circle road from Xiaochang to Hanchuan section of the line.The line is located in the central Hubei Province via Xiaogan in Xiaochang, Anlu, Yunmeng,Yingcheng and Hanchuan. According to the next 20 years’ traffic prediction, the design speed is 100km/h. Then determine two lines which conclude graphic design and longitudinal design at 1:2000 topographic maps. The final scheme is 5019.096m and it has 5 intersections, 4 slope changing routes and 26m subgrade. The road also set the pavement of SMA, retaining wall where needs and ditches, drains, collecting ditch, pipe culvert, etc. Finally, binding all the files to form a complete set of construction design drawings.The main charts include the maps of road line project selection,graphic design,the design of the vertical section,cross-sectional design, structural design of the road,technical and economic indicators table of the road, straight lines and curves corner table,the number of embankment of earth and stone table, roadbed design table and so on.Since the time to finish the graduation design is limited, and calculating workload is heavy, therefore the great majority of the flat, vertical section, cross-sectional design and drawings are completed by computer software, but most retaining walls and pavement design are completed by hand.Working drawings can make practical and economical way to get a better guarantee. So it is an important part of the project.

Generally speaking, the whole design, from the beginning to the end, based on the scientific outlook on development, considering the principle of rational, economic and cultural factors. It will become a great road after its completion.

Keywords: First class road;Route Design;Roadbed pavement design; Retaining Wall Design


第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2设计目的及意义 1

1.3毕业设计主要内容 1

1.4项目影响区的有关政策、经济状况 2

1.5设计原始资料 3

1.5.1 地形地貌 3

1.5.2 地质 3

1.5.3 气候特征 4

1.5.4 水文特征 4

1.5.5 沿路建筑材料 4

1.5.6交通量 5

1.6设计依据 6

第2章 路线设计 8

2.1 道路技术等级确定 8

2.2选线 9

2.2.1平面设计技术指标 9

2.3路线方案的拟定和比选 10

2.4路线平面设计 11

2.4.1 平曲线几何要素计算 11

2.5纵断面设计 15

2.5.1 纵面线型设计标准 16

第3章路基路面及排水设计 20

3.1路基设计 20

3.1.1路基横断面设计 20

3.1.2 路拱坡度 20

3.1.3 超高与加宽 20

3.1.4边坡防护工程设计 22

3.1.5路基压实标准 22

3.1.6土石图示方数量计算 23

3.2挡土墙设计 24

3.2.1挡土墙的类型及适用条件 24

3.2.2 重力式挡土墙的设计 24

3.3路面设计 30

3.3.1 水泥混凝土路面设计 30

3.3.2 水泥混凝土路面结构计算 31

3.3.3 沥青混凝土路面设计 34

3.3.4 沥青混凝土路面结构计算 36

3.3.5方案比选 37

3.4 排水设计 37

3.4.1 路基排水设计 37

3.4.2 路面排水设计 38

第4章 桥涵、涵洞设计 40

4.1桥涵设计 40

4.1.1桥位的选定 40

4.1.2 桥涵的分类 40

4.1.3 桥梁方案设计 40

4.2 涵洞设计 40

4.2.1 涵洞的形式 40

结束语 42

参考文献 43

致谢 45

第1章 绪论




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