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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料物理 > 正文


 2021-12-09 17:28:18  


摘 要



其次,对常见的水凝胶材料性能进行表征,包括取代度,溶胀属性,力学性能,生物降解性和生物相容性。核磁共振氢谱分析材料的合成结果可见,在MA-HA合成中,增加甲基丙烯酸基团与透明质酸(HA)单体的比例,可显著提高MA-HA取代度,在比例为40:1时,MA-HA 可达86%的最高取代度,随取代度的升高,材料的压痕模量也伴随增强,当MA-HA取代度达50%时,模量达最大(5.83 ± 0.20 kPa)。水凝胶的浓度也影响着材料的力学性能和降解性能,取代度一定时,水凝胶浓度越大,材料的模量越高,形成的水凝胶材料的降解时间也越长,最长可达35天以上。


关键词:神经瘢痕;透明质酸水凝胶;MA-HA;光交联; 水凝胶性能分析


Nerve scar hyperplasia after peripheral nerve injury severely inhibits nerve regeneration, however there is no effective cure. In recent years, the application of hydrogel materials in the field of biomedicine can provide new ways and new methods for scar treatment and has attracted widespread attention. Among them, photo-crosslinked methacrylic hyaluronic acid (MA-HA) has good degradability and biocompatibility, and its molding and performance can be controlled, but MA-HA hydrogel materials used for the formation of nerve scar are rarely reported . Based on this, this article discussed the preparation methods and cross-linking methods of MA-HA hydrogel materials, and focused on the common performance characterization and detection methods of MA-HA hydrogel materials.

First, the common preparation methods of MA-HA hydrogel materials were discussed. Four synthetic methods for synthesizing photocrosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrogel were compared and analyzed. Differences in raw material selection, required equipment and synthesis process were discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods of methacrylic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GM) synthesis MA-HA and GMHA were analyzed and compared. Two methods were mainly in the synthesis process and product performance were described. The synthesized MA-HA has a higher degree of substitution under the same ratio of methacrylic groups and HA monomers, which indicated that MA-HA had a larger adjustable range of mechanical properties and degradation performance. The preparation method of hydrogel material with better controllability of mechanical properties or shorter synthesis time could be selected according to actual needs. In the cross-linking stage, due to the photo-cross-linking characteristics of MA-HA, the experimental process of the UV cross-linking method were mainly introduced. Before forming the gel, other small molecules, drugs, cells and other substances could be embedded to make the cross-linking Hydrogels have special properties to meet different requirements and expand the scope of applications.

Second, characterize the properties of common hydrogel materials, including degree of substitution, swelling properties, mechanical properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility were described. The synthesis results of NMR hydrogen spectroscopy analysis materials showed that in the synthesis of MA-HA, increasing the ratio of methacrylic acid groups to hyaluronic acid (HA) monomer significantly improved the degree of MA-HA substitution, at a ratio of 40: 1, after 1 hour, the highest degree of MA-HA substitution reached to 86%. As the degree of substitution increased, the indentation modulus of the material also increased. When the degree of MA-HA substitution reached 50%, the modulus reached the maximum (5.83 ± 0.20 kPa). The concentration of the hydrogel also affected the mechanical properties and degradation performance of the material. The hydrogel concentration also affects the mechanical properties and degradation properties of the material. When the degree of substitution is constant, the greater the concentration of hydrogel, the higher the modulus of the material, and the longer the degradation time of the hydrogel material. The longest time can be up to 35 days.

This paper regulated and analyzed the synthesis and performance of MA-HA hydrogel materials, which could provide specific experimental design and good theoretical basis for scar inhibition and repair after nerve injury.

Key Words:Nerve scar; hyaluronic acid hydrogel; MA-HA; photo-crosslinking; hydrogel performance analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、目的及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的 1

1.1.3研究意义 2

1.2研究现状 3

1.2.1神经瘢痕 3

1.2.2水凝胶材料研究进展 4

1.2.3生物医用水凝胶研究进展 5

1.2.4透明质酸水凝胶研究进展 6

1.3研究内容和技术路线 8

1.3.1研究内容 8

1.3.2技术路线 9

1.4选题对社会、健康、安全、成本以及环境的影响 9

第2章 MA-HA水凝胶材料制备与交联方法 11

2.1MA-HA制备方法 11

2.1.1制备方法一(MA接枝法) 11

2.1.2制备方法二(GM接枝法) 12

2.1.3制备方法三(两步法) 12

2.1.4制备方法四(DMSO法) 13

2.2MA-HA水凝胶交联方法 13

2.3小结 14

第3章 材料测试与分析技术 16

3.1 MA-HA的取代度测定 16

3.2溶胀测试 17

3.3力学测试 18

3.4生物降解测试 19

3.5生物相容性测试 21

3.6小结 21

第4章 结论 23

4.1 MA-HA水凝胶制备方法 23

4.2 材料测试及分析技术 23

4.3 应用前景 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 28

第1章 绪论



随着我国近年来各类工业和交通行业的迅猛发展,我国神经损伤病例也迅猛增长。据文献报道,我国每年新增约90万神经损伤病人[1]。在受损神经生长恢复的过程中,神经瘢痕增生现象普遍发生。神经瘢痕的形成严重地抑制了神经再生的速度和质量,其中还有10%以上的病人会产生难以缓解的疼痛感,不仅给病人带来巨大的身心痛苦,还增重了病人的经济负担。临床上已形成手术切除,放射治疗,药物治疗 ,基因治疗和表皮干细胞(ESC)治疗等多种治疗手段,但普遍存在无法根治,容易反复,副作用较大和费用昂贵等缺点,所以目前针对抑制神经瘢痕生长,还没有较好的治疗和解决手段。




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