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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料化学 > 正文


 2021-12-09 17:28:30  


摘 要


  1. 原始CaO·Al2O3玻璃和高温高压后的样品进行XRD测试得到的图谱表明,原始玻璃和高压之后的玻璃均出现弥散峰,表现出非晶的特性;对原始样品以及高温高压样品在1100℃析出的晶体的研究表明,两者晶相组分完全相同。
  2. 原始CaO·Al2O3玻璃以及高温高压后CaO·Al2O3玻璃的DSC谱图表明高温高压后得到的CaO·Al2O3玻璃并没有找到明显的玻璃转变点,且在升温过程中呈现一个小的放热峰,这可能是由于高温高压之后的玻璃结构处于一个紧密压缩状态,在升温过程中缓慢的松弛导致的。





Due to its excellent optical and near infrared light transmittance, excellent mechanical properties and chemical durability, calcium aluminum glass has a great application prospect in optical materials and composite reinforcement materials. However, due to the lack of typical glass network forming bodies and poor glass forming capacity, it is difficult to prepare calcium-aluminum glass by traditional methods. In this study, CaO·Al2O3 glass (CaO:Al2O3=1:1) was prepared with CaO-Al2O3 binary system as the research object by means of aerodynamic suspension technology, It was treated with high temperature and high pressure through the multi-face top anvil device. The samples were characterized by XRD, DSC, hardness, anti-fragmentation and Raman. the relationship between get the following conclusion:

(1) the XRD test results of the original CaO·Al2O3 glass and the samples after high temperature and pressure show that both the original glass and the glass after high pressure have dispersion peaks, showing the characteristics of amorphous; The study of the crystal precipitated from the original sample and the high pressure sample at 1100℃ showed that the crystal phase components of the two samples were identical.

(2) The DSC spectra of the original CaO·Al2O3 glass and CaO·Al2O3 glass after high temperature and pressure show that the CaO·Al2O3 glass obtained after high temperature and pressure did not find an obvious glass transition point, and in the process of heating up present a small exothermic peak, this may be due to high pressure after the glass structure in a tightly compressed state, the result of the slow relaxation in the process of heating up.

(3) the hardness after high pressure and temperature has increased significantly, this may be due to high pressure after glass density increased, leading to the decrease of the free volume, and get the structure of the information from the Raman spectrum of Al ligand coordination number of 4 to 5 or 6 coordination transformation, these reasons led to the system's overall key density increased, leading to the hardness after high pressure.

  1. the shattering resistance of glass is significantly reduced after high temperature and pressure, which is believed to be due to the fact that glass as a whole is in a state of compression after high pressure, with a reduced free volume, dense atom arrangement and an increase in the coordination number of Al. As a result, its ability to dissipate residual stress through structural rearrangement is weakened, so its shattering resistance is reduced.

Key Words: Pneumatic suspension technology; CaO-Al2O3 binary glass; high temperature and high pressure; mechanical properties

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1玻璃及玻璃的结构 1

1.1.1介绍 1

1.1.2.玻璃的定义 1

1.1.3玻璃的结构 1

1.2铝酸钙玻璃的背景、应用及研究进展 2

1.2.1铝酸钙玻璃的背景及应用 2

1.2.2铝酸钙玻璃的研究进展 2

1.3压力引起的性能变化 3

1.3.1弹性模量 3

1.3.2压痕硬度 4

1.3.3粘度 4

1.3.4化学强化 4

1.3.5化学稳定性 4

1.4 压力引起的配位变化 4

1.4.1压力引起的硼配位变化 4

1.4.2用核磁共振表征压力引起的CaAl2O4玻璃的配位变化 5

1.5悬浮技术 6

1.5.1悬浮技术的研究现状 6

1.5.2气动悬浮溶制技术简介 7

1.6 本文研究目的、意义及主要内容 8

1.6.1 研究目的及意义 8

1.6.2 研究内容 9

第2章 玻璃制备与表征 10

2.1 实验试剂 10

2.2 玻璃样品制备方法 10

2.2.1气动悬浮装置 10

2.2.2多面体压砧装置 12

2.2.3样品制备 12

2.2.4 高温高压过程 13

2.3 样品测试及表征方法 13

2.3.1 X射线衍射分析 13

2.3.2硬度测试 13

2.3.3抗碎裂性测试 14

2.3.4差示热扫描测试 14

2.3.5拉曼光谱测试 14

第3章 实验结果分析与讨论 15

3.1 XRD结果分析与讨论 15

3.2 DSC结果分析与讨论 16

3.3力学结果分析与讨论 17

3.3.1硬度 17

3.3.2抗碎裂性. 18

3.4结构与性能的关系 18

3.5本章小结 19

第4章 结 论 21

致 谢 22

参考文献 23

附 录 25

第1章 绪论










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