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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料成型及控制工程 > 正文


 2021-12-06 20:47:27  


摘 要











This paper is facing the problem of constructing constitutive models of aluminum alloy plates in electromagnetic forming. Since electromagnetic forming is a high-rate forming method, its material deformation behavior is different from quasi-static deformation behavior, and a high strain rate-sensitive constitutive model needs to be established . In order to construct a C-S constitutive model suitable for high strain rates, it is necessary to identify the key parameters in the constitutive model. This paper uses support vector machine algorithm and genetic algorithm to achieve this identification process.

This paper first builds a finite element analysis proxy model for parameter identification based on the support vector machine algorithm, and uses particle swarm optimization to achieve automatic optimization of the support vector machine algorithm parameters. After that, the proxy model constructed by the support vector machine algorithm is connected to the parameter optimization model constructed by the genetic algorithm through the fitness function, and the parameter identification process of the constitutive model is completed.

The research results of this paper are as follows:

(1) The support vector machine algorithm is used to establish the finite element proxy model, which can obtain the response value corresponding to the random parameter value in a short time. Compared with the finite element analysis process, the parameter recognition time is greatly reduced.

(2) Through the combination of genetic algorithm and support vector machine algorithm, a complete parameter identification model is constructed.

(3) By substituting the binary function into the parameter identification model, the target parameters of the binary function are obtained, which verifies the accuracy and versatility of the parameter identification model.

(4) Substitute the sample of C-S constitutive model into the parameter identification model to realize the parameter identification of the constitutive model.

The results of this paper show that the parameter recognition model of the constitutive model based on the support vector machine algorithm and the genetic algorithm can quickly and accurately identify the parameters of the C-S constitutive model.

Key words: support vector machine; genetic algorithm; constitutive model; parameter identification


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 背景和研究意义 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 课题研究内容 2

第2章 基于支持向量机算法的代理模型构建 3

2.1 机器学习与支持向量机理论 3

2.1.1 机器学习理论 3

2.1.2 支持向量机算法理论 3

2.2 核函数类型及参数选择 4

2.2.1 核函数类型选择 4

2.2.2 参数选择 6

2.3 代理模型的构建 8

2.4 代理模型的验证 10

2.4.1 单极值二元函数验证 10

2.4.2 多极值二元函数验证 13

2.5 本章小结 15

第3章 基于遗传算法的参数优化方法构建 16

3.1 参数识别方法 16

3.2 遗传算法原理 17

3.3 遗传算法基本操作及参数选择 18

3.3.1 遗传算法基本操作 18

3.3.2 遗传算法运行参数选择 20

3.4 参数优化方法的构建 21

3.5 参数优化方法的验证 22

3.5.1 单极值二元函数验证 22

3.5.2 多极值二元函数验证 24

3.6 本章小结 25

第4章 C-S本构模型的参数识别 27

4.1 C-S本构模型样本点的获取 27

4.2 本构模型的参数识别流程 28

4.3 本章小结 31

第5章 总结 32

5.1 结论 32

5.2 展望 32

参考文献 34

附录 36

致谢 43




由于铝合金材料成形性较差,传统冲压方法加工铝合金板材效果并不理想,容易发生起皱等成形缺陷。电磁成形是一种洛伦兹力作用下使金属材料快速变形的高速成形方法。 它可以显着提高材料的成形极限,有效减少零件的回弹,并抑制材料起皱,提高铝合金材料的成型性能[4]





国外对于本构模型参数识别研究起步较早,美国的Malas J等[8]对2024铝合金材料进行了单轴拉伸实验,进而建立了材料的Arrhenius本构模型。波兰的Michał GRĄZKA等[9]对硬铝AW6063-T55测得在不同应变速率下的应力应变曲线,采用MATLAB中的近似算法获得J-C本构模型参数。再利用Taylor冲击试验得到样品冲击后的直径和长度等数据,结合有限元法和ANSYS Autodyna软件,逆向识别得到本构模型参数。日本的Ismael Henchi等[10]采用电磁胀环试验中速度随时间变化曲线作为参照数据,获得高应变速率和高温下的金属J-C本构模型参数,实现了本构模型的逆向识别。





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