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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品科学与工程 > 正文


 2020-05-12 22:10:19  

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[1] Araki T, Higoshimoto Y, Morishita T. Purification and characterization of kappa-carrageenase from a marine bacterium, Vibrio sp CA-1004 [J]. Fisheries Science, 1999, 65(6): 937-942. [2] Barbeyron T, Gerara A, Potin P, Henrissat B, Kloareg B. The kappa-carrageenase of the marine bacterium Cytophaga drobachiensis. Structural and phylogenetic relationships within family-16 glycoside hydrolases [J]. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 1998, 15(5): 528-537. [3] Barbeyron T, Henrissat B, Kloareg B. The gene enciong the kappa-carrageenase of Alteromonas-carrageenovora is related beta-1,3-1,4-glucanases [J]. Gene, 1994, 139(1): 105-109. [4] Barbeyron T, Michel G, Potin P, Henrissat B, Kloareg B. iota-Carrageenases constitute a novel family of glycoside hydrolases, unrelated to that of kappa-carrageenases [J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2000, 275(45): 35499-35505. [5] 段高飞,苏贝,韩峰,于文功.海洋细菌QY202产κ-卡拉胶酶的分离纯化和性质研究 [J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2010,40(3):95-100. [6] Zhou MH, Ma JS, Li J, Ye HR, Huang KX, Zhao XW. A kappa-Carrageenase from a Newly Isolated Pseudoalteromonas-like Bacterium, WZUC10 [J]. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2008, 13(5): 545-551. [7] 牟海津,江晓路,蒋萱,管华诗.卡拉胶降解菌M-2的筛选与产酶性质 [J].中国水产科学,2002,9(3):251-254. [8] Potin P, Sanseau A, Legall Y, Rochas C, Kloareg B. Purification and characterization of a new k-carrageenase from a marine Cytophaga-like bacterium [J]. European Journal of Biochemistry, 1991, 201(1): 241-247. [9] Ma YX, Dong SL,Jiang XL. Purification and characterrization of kappa-carageenase from marine bacterium mutant strains Pseudoalteromonas SP AJ5-13 and its degraded products [J]. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2010, 34(3): 661-678. [10] Liu GL, Li L, Chi Z, Chi ZM. Purification and characterization of kappa-carrageenase from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas porphyrae for hydrolysis of kappa-carrageenan [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2011, 46(1): 265-271.

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2016.1.5-2016.3.10查阅文献,撰写开题报告 2016.3.11-2016.3.21 确定实验方案,准备实验材料 2016.3.21-2016.5.26 实验阶段 2016.5.27-2016.6.5 整理实验结果,分析数据,撰写论文

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