2020-02-17 12:50:46
摘 要
With the development of automotive lightweight technology, carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) are widely used in the automotive industry due to their excellent performance. Carbon fiber reinforced plastic can not avoid the connection with traditional metal materials such as aluminum alloy in practical applications. Bonding is one of the connection methods of carbon fiber composite materials and traditional metal materials such as aluminum alloy, and has its unique advantages. However, the current bonding process is unstable and the strength is not high, and the phenomenon of glue failure often occurs in practical applications. Therefore, this paper proposes a process of combining the anodizing treatment of aluminum alloy with ultrasonic vibration assisted bonding. Taking the bonding of carbon fiber/aluminum alloy as the research object, the following work is carried out:
(1) The anodizing process of aluminum alloy was explored. The surface morphology and contact angle of the anodized film of aluminum alloy were observed. It was found that a honeycomb oxide film with a hole diameter of 25-30nm was formed on the surface of the aluminum alloy after anodizing treatment. The contact angle is also greatly reduced, which is beneficial to the wetting of the interface. The effect of different anodizing treatment time on the bonding strength of carbon fiber/aluminum alloy was studied. It was found that the anodizing treatment can greatly improve the bonding strength between aluminum alloy and epoxy rubber. When the treatment time is 3 min, carbon fiber/aluminum alloy single lap joints have the highest strength.
(2) Based on the ultrasonic vibration assisted forming platform, the fixture for single lap joint was designed, and the ultrasonic vibration reinforced carbon fiber/aluminum alloy glued (single lap) experimental platform was built, and the perfect ultrasonic vibration reinforced carbon fiber/aluminum was established. Alloy bonding process. The anodizing treatment was carried out for 3 min as the pretreatment of the aluminum alloy plate, and under this condition, the influence of ultrasonic vibration on the carbon fiber/aluminum alloy bonding was investigated. The ultrasonic vibration enhanced carbon fiber/aluminum alloy optimal bonding process was obtained under the condition of orthogonal experiment optimization. The optimal bonding process of aluminum alloy is as follows: vibration frequency 15 kHz, vibration time 16 s, vibration position 10 mm, vibration amplitude 32. In this case, the bonding strength of the carbon fiber/aluminum alloy can reach 18.66 MPa, which is 54.98% higher than that of the sample which is only anodized.
(3) The mechanism of ultrasonic vibration-enhanced carbon fiber/aluminum alloy bonding was studied, and the analysis was carried out from the perspective of micro and micro. Macroscopically, it can be seen from the cross-sectional morphology that after the introduction of ultrasonic vibration, under the action of shearing force, the failure mode of the carbon fiber/aluminum alloy bonded joint is mainly caused by the destruction and mixing damage of the cement. Microscopically, the SEM analysis shows that the ultrasonic vibration can make the distribution of the rubber layer more uniform and the wetting of the interface is more ideal. The EDS results show that the adhesive has penetrated the anodized film on the surface of the aluminum alloy, which together lead to an increase in the bonding strength.
Key Words:automotive lightweight; anodizing; adhesive bonding; ultrasonic vibration
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 胶接研究现状 2
1.2.2 阳极氧化工艺研究现状 6
1.2.3 超声振动辅助成型研究现状 8
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 8
第2章 实验材料、工艺及测试方法 10
2.1 实验设备 10
2.1.1 超声振动强化碳纤维/铝合金胶接实验平台 10
2.1.2 铝合金阳极氧化设备 12
2.2 实验材料及测试方法 14
2.2.1 实验材料 14
2.2.2 实验测试 15
2.2.3 超声振动辅助胶接夹具 16
2.3 本章小结 17
第3章 铝合金阳极氧化工艺的调控 18
3.1 铝合金阳极氧化工艺简介 18
3.1.1 铝合金阳极氧化工艺的原理 18
3.1.2 铝合金阳极氧化膜的结构 18
3.2 铝合金阳极氧化膜的制备 19
3.2.1 试样制备 19
3.2.2 氧化膜的形貌与接触角 19
3.3 阳极氧化处理对碳纤维/铝合金胶接强度的影响 25
3.3.1 剪切试验 25
3.3.2 胶接接头的破坏形式 26
3.4 本章小结 30
第4章 超声振动强化碳纤维/铝合金胶接工艺优化 31
4.1 超声振动各因素间的相互关系 31
4.2 正交试验与Minitab 32
4.2.1 正交试验 32
4.2.2 Minitab软件 33
4.3 正交试验优化胶接工艺 34
4.4.1 超声振动强化碳纤维/铝合金胶接工艺 34
4.3.2 正交试验设计 35
4.3.3 正交试验验证 37
4.4 超声振动强化碳纤维/铝合金胶接机理研究 38
4.4.1 胶接理论 38
4.4.2 宏观分析 40
4.4.3 微观分析 43
4.5 本章小结 46
第5章 结论 47
5.1 全文总结 47
5.2 研究展望 48
参考文献 49
致 谢 52
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)是由有机纤维经过一系列热处理转化而成,含碳量高于90%的无机高性能纤维,是一种力学性能优异的新材料,具有碳材料的固有本性特征,又兼备纺织纤维的柔软可加工性,是新一代增强纤维。碳纤维复合材料因其具有高强度(是钢铁的5倍)、出色的耐热性(可以耐受2000℃以上的高温)、出色的抗热冲击性、低热膨胀系数(变形量小)、热容量小(节能)、比重小(钢的1/5)、优秀的抗腐蚀与辐射性能等一系列的优点[4, 5],而最早被应用于航空航天领域[6]。随着技术的不断发展成熟以及成本的不断降低,碳纤维在汽车的设计和制造中得到越来越多的应用。碳纤维车身、碳纤维零件的应用,大幅度降低了汽车的重量,提升了汽车动力、操控、燃油经济性等,达到了实用、经济、环保等效果。碳纤维材料目前已经成为实现汽车深度轻量化的首选材料。