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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2020-04-15 22:02:19  

摘 要



关键词:社会组织 项目制 治理模式

Study on the operation, effect and optimization of the "project system" governance mode of social organizations


A new form of governance——“project system” has been widely discussed and studied by researchers in recent years under the background of the establishment of “service-oriented government” and the acceleration of “regulation and service” reform. In addition, social organizations, a rapidly emerging group, are increasingly involved in social services and play an indispensable role in social affairs. From the changing trend of academic attention, we can see that the research on "project system" has been on the rise, and the growth rate has increased sharply in recent years. Most of these studies are slightly repetitive, but there is still plenty of room for exploration. Meanwhile, the research on social organizations is not comprehensive. The following exploration on the “project system” can profit from the relevant research on social organizations, and utilize theoretical analysis and other ways to comprehensively analyzing the nature, operation, effect and optimization suggestions of the governance model of "project system" of social organizations.

This paper is mainly divided into four parts. The first part explains in detail the relevant concepts of "project system" governance mode of the social organizations, and analyzes the conditions for the formation of "project system" governance mode of the social organizations. The second part elaborates the operation mechanism of "project system" governance mode of the social organizations in detail, which is composed of five parts: contracting, packaging, catching, implementation, supervision and acceptance. The third part elaborates that "project system" governance patterns of the social organizations produces two effects: the positive one and the negative one. In the last part, according to the governance dilemma, this paper puts forward the reasonable countermeasures to optimize the "project system" governance mode of China's social organizations.

Key words: social organizations; project system; governance mode


摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、社会组织“项目制”治理模式的相关概念及形成条件 2

(一)社会组织“项目制”治理模式的含义 2

(二)社会组织“项目制”治理模式的形成条件 3

1.中国市场经济迅速发展的客观要求 3

2.“政社分开”的行政体制改革的环境要求 3

3.大量社会组织兴起的动力要求 3

4.政府“购买服务”政策展开的制度要求 4

二、社会组织“项目制”治理模式的运作机制 5

(一)中央政府:发包 5

(二)地方政府:打包 6

(三)社会组织:抓包 6

(四)实施与监督 7

(五)验收 7

三、社会组织“项目制”治理模式的效应 8

(一)正面效应 8

1.提高政府的的服务效率和公信力 8

2.促进社会组织建设 9

3.满足多元化的公民需求 9

(二)负面效应 10

1.社会组织内部治理不完善 10

2.项目运作行政化色彩浓厚 10

3.政府与社会组织之间存在冲突 10

4.缺乏评估与监督标准与制度 11

四、社会组织“项目制”治理模式的优化对策 12

(一)培育和发展专业化的社会组织 12

(二)理顺政府与社会组织的关系,减少两者间冲突 12

(三)完善项目评估体系和监督机制 13

(四)鼓励公民积极参与,激发基层活力 14

结束语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 20


继党的十八大之后,社会组织逐渐成为社会治理必不可少的参与者。从2012年十八大报告中提出的 “发挥基层各类社会组织协同作用”和“引导社会组织健康有序发展”到十九大强调的“打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局” “发挥社会组织作用,实现政府治理和社会调节、居民自治良性互动”等理念可以体现出,社会组织的参与可以推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化。社会组织是除了政治、经济组织之外,可以依靠非营利性收入独立运行的第三类组织形式,它的主要任务是处理公益事务。它主要包括社会团体、民办非企业单位和基金会三个基本部分。当前,我国关于社会组织的研究已经涉及到各个领域,但关于社会组织参与社会治理的研究还不全面,其理论研究远远滞后于实践的发展速度。


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