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 2020-04-15 17:42:39  

摘 要



关键词:单片机 定时 智能控制 PWM调光

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Classroom Switch and Energy Saving Statistics


With the increasing demand for lighting and lighting depends on energy. In order to save lighting consumption and realize unattended intelligent control, AT89C52RC single chip computer is used as the core control device of the system, which can overcome the shortcomings of single and non-intelligent diversified control of classroom lamps in the current teaching building.

The system has two modes: manual control and automatic control. Under the automatic control mode, the system uses pyrolysis and infrared tube to detect the presence of classroom people and the number of classroom people, so as to realize that the classroom lights can be turned on according to the number of people and avoid the waste of fewer people and full lighting of lamps. At the same time, the system uses DS1302 real-time clock chip to control the timed closure of classroom lamps. On this basis, the system set a time period (7:00-21:00) to allow manual mode, so that the system has greater flexibility. The system also uses LCD to display the real-time time and the number of classrooms. The key adjustment circuit allows the system to adjust the real-time time and improve the interactivity of system operation and operation. According to the current control of corridor lamps, the system uses timer to control the PWM dimming of lamps. The light and brightness control of corridor is realized by using photosensitive detector, infrared pyrolysis detector and PWM dimming. The experimental data and the investigation results of the lamp operation in the current teaching building show that the system has the unprecedented advantages of single control in the past, and can achieve the intelligent control of corridors and classrooms in most domestic university teaching buildings and meet the requirements of lighting energy saving in teaching buildings.

Key words:MCU;timing;intelligent control;PWM dimming

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章引言 1

1.1 智能教室研究意义 1

1.2 国内外智能教室发展情况 1

1.3 文章组织结构 4

第二章教学楼智能照明系统分析 5

2.1 教学楼灯光照明外在因素分析 5

2.1.1 人员的流动性及需求多样化 5

2.1.2 环境对检测的影响 5

2.2 教学楼照明智能开关功能分析设计 5

2.3 本章小结 8

第三章教室智能开关系统硬件模块设计 9

3.1 主控电路AT89C51 9

3.2 实时时钟电路DS1302 10

3.3 交互显示电路LCD1602 11

3.4 按键调整电路 13

3.5 环境检测模块 14

3.5.1 热释检测模块 14

3.5.2 红外对管人数检测模块 15

3.5.3 光敏检测模块 15

3.6 继电器驱动模块 16

3.7 本章小结 17

第四章教室智能开关系统软件程序设计 18

4.1 系统流程图 18

4.1.1 系统主流程图 18

4.1.2 LCD1602初始化 20

4.1.3 定时器初始化 20

4.2 DS1302实时时钟读写流程 22

4.3 手自动运行模式设计 23

4.4 计数模块 23

4.5 楼梯控制程序模块 24

4.5.1 楼梯程序设计 24

4.5.2 PWM调光技术 24

4.6 本章小结 26

第五章智能教室开关Proteus仿真调试 27

5.1 智能教室开关Proteus仿真 27

5.2 智能教室开关实物焊接与调试 27

5.4 调试过程遇到的问题 29

5.4 本章小结 29

第六章总结与展望 30

6.1 总结 30

6.2 展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 33

附录1:厚学楼照明系统统计数据 34

附录2:主程序代码 40


1.1 智能教室研究意义


据中国照明协会近几年资料显示,我国的照明用电量近几年都在以14%左右的速度迅速增长,我国2013年全年的照明用电量已超过7246.59亿千瓦时,占全社会的14.15%,且照明用电量还在不断增加[1],其中57%左右的照明用电是被诸如高校等公用场所所用。据国内大学能耗分布统计,除去教学楼必要的照明电能消耗,教学楼群公共照明系统存在大量的浪费。统计表明:即便在现代教室空调全开的情况下,照明能耗仍占到整个建筑物电量总能耗的25%~35%。在春秋季节无需大功率空调开启的场合,照明能耗占总能耗中的比值更高。然而,由于大学开放型的管理模式, 白天在教室光照度满足需求的情况下,灯光无效照明也屡见不鲜;夜晚部分自习室空无一人,却随处可见空教室昼夜灯火通明。以厚学楼为例,大教室每个教室20盏灯,小教室每个教室15盏灯,六层楼总共约1500盏功率为40瓦的灯,以每天浪费3小时,每学年9个月来计算,1500*0.04*3*9*30=48600KWh,这些仅是厚学楼内教室的灯,如果是整个学校同类型的教学楼,每年将会有几十万甚至上百万千瓦时电能的浪费,如果统计全国教学场所的用电情况,每年将会有难以估量的能源浪费。



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