2020-04-13 11:43:52
关键词:海水淡化 供水 水资源 反渗透
The feasibility and vista of seawater desalination engineering
Abstract :The passage introduces one of the most prospectively way in the world of getting fresh water#8212;#8212;by the seawater desalination engineering ,relate and analyze it by the aim of the status in quo , the develop trending,the scope of using,the bottleneck of the utilize of the tech,the depth manage and the accessory substance as well as the form of the industry chain.
Key words: seawater desalination engineering ,water supply ,water resource ,
reverse osmosis
1 前言
水资源作为不可替代的自然资源, 在经济发展和人民生活中占有重要地位。我国是一个严重的缺水国家, 为了获取水源, 许多地区相继花费巨额投资长距离引水, 与此同时, 大量工业、农业污水排入自然水体, 造成了巨大的环境问题, 使得水资源的供需更加紧张。加大节约用水的宣传, 改变人民的用水习惯, 培养个人良好节水习惯, 形成全民节水的风尚, 避免用水浪费。[1] 以上都是势在必行的,但我们必须为此争取时间,措施就是在改变观念的同时谋求新出路。
2 选择海水淡化的必要性