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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 港口航道与海岸工程 > 正文


 2020-04-12 16:52:11  

摘 要

公路边坡的防护治理研究是随着世界范围内高速公路建设而产生的一个热门研究话题,在公路的施工过程中,特别是在丘陵地区的工程,公路路堑边坡滑坡问题严重影响了公路工程的质量和工程的进度,如果处理不好,在公路建成使用之后,一旦出现边坡破坏,轻者影响道路通行,重者则阻断交通甚至能威胁到人们的生命财产安全;我国作为享誉世界的“基建狂魔”,在国内外都有着众多的工程项目,特别是高等级公路项目,有着数量众多且样式各一的边坡,认真正确处理好公路边坡的破坏有着十分重要的意义,让中国建造更进一步的走向世界,引领世界,让我们的技术规范成为世界的规范标准。本文主要从公路路堑的稳定性理论分析及防护治理技术入手,分析研究了公路路堑边坡防护治理的相关技术措施以及如何在公路施工建设中进行应用,并以潭卲高速公路K90 900~K91 080段左侧路堑滑坡整治工程设计为依据,分析了滑坡区域的地质条件及其基本特征;研究了影响滑坡失稳的因素,分析了滑坡的成因,对滑坡的稳定性进行了分析,采用了合理的计算方法。根据:“经济合理,工期短,技术可行,治理效果安全可靠”的原则,选取了削坡减载的治理方案。以此,我充分了解了削坡减载这一治理措施的具体内容,学到了很多的知识。所得结论有着对正在进行的工程提出合理的指导,使投资达到最优化等重要意义。



Highway slope protection governance research is with the emergence of the world within the scope of highway construction and a hot research topic, in highway construction process, especially in the hilly area of engineering, highway cut slope landslide problems seriously affect the quality of the highway engineering and engineering progress, if processes is not good, after use in the highway was built, once appear, slope failure, light person influence road passage, and the person that weigh is blocking traffic can even threaten people's life and property safety; As a world-famous slasher "infrastructure" in our country, has numerous projects both at home and abroad, especially the high grade highway projects, with numerous and style of a slope, seriously to properly handle the destruction of the highway slope is of great significance, for China to build further towards the world, leading the world, let our technical specifications to become the world's standard. This article mainly from the theoretical analysis and the stability of highway roadbed protection management technology, this paper analyzed the related technical measures of highway cut slope protection governance and how to application in highway construction, and the pool 卲 highway K90 900~K91 080 section on the left side of the cutting landslide renovation project design on the basis of regional geological conditions and characteristics of the landslide are analyzed; The factors influencing the landslide instability are studied, the causes of the landslide are analyzed, the stability of the landslide is analyzed, and a reasonable calculation method is adopted. According to the principle of "reasonable economy, short construction period, feasible technology and safe and reliable control effect", the management plan of cutting slope and reducing load is selected. In this way, I have fully understood the concrete content of the management measure of cutting slope and reducing load, and learned a lot of knowledge. It is of great importance to give reasonable guidance to the ongoing project and optimize the investment.

Key Words: Highway;Cutting slope;Protection measures;The landslide;Cutting slope lightening

目 录

第1章 绪论1

  1.1 研究意义1

  1.2 国内外研究现状1

1.2.1 国外概况1

1.2.2 国内概况2

  1.3 研究目标3

  1.4 主要研究内容3

第2章 边坡分类病害及地质条件4

  2.1 公路边坡的分类4

  2.2 公路边坡的主要病害类型5

  2.3 自然地理条件5

  2.4 工程地质条件5

2.4.1 地质类型5

2.4.2 边坡地质概况6

  2.5 引起滑坡的工程地质特征分类6

第3章 削坡减载工程7

  3.1 削坡减载及其优点7

  3.2 削坡减载施工方法7

  3.3 削坡后坡面防护7

3.3.1 植物护坡7

3.3.2 工程护坡8

第4章 计算原理10

  4.1 简化毕肖普法10

  4.2 抗滑安全系数的选取11

  4.3 滑动面岩土抗剪强度指标的选取12

  4.4 滑动面的确定12

第5章 具体工程设计实例13

  5.1 滑坡概况13

  5.2 滑坡体工程地质条件及其类型成因分析14

5.2.1 滑坡体工程地质条件14

5.2.2 滑坡类型及成因14

  5.3 滑体稳定性和加固力计算分析15

5.3.1 滑坡体稳定性的反分析15

5.3.2 卸载量和加固力计算16

  5.4 整治方案17

5.4.1 K90 940剖面区段削坡及坡脚防护设计17

5.4.2 K91 000剖面区段削坡及坡脚坡面防护设计18

5.5 整治效果及效果图19

  5.6 边坡监测20

  5.7 工程量21

第6章 结论22



第1章 绪论

1.1 研究意义



为了减少公路边坡滑坡带来的损失,需要对滑坡区进行准确的计算分析,做出合理的,有效的设计。我选取了潭邵高速公路K90 900~K91 080段左侧路堑滑坡整治工程实例作为毕业论文。


1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国外概况







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