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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2020-04-12 16:18:45  

摘 要





With the enhancement of mobile communication technologies and intelligent terminal technologies, mobile multimedia services and applications will have broader market application prospects. The new type of mobile multimedia services not only has high requirements for data transmission rate, but also puts forward new requirements for the calculation and storage capabilities of wireless networks and mobile terminals. Mobile edge caching and computing enables small-scale data centers or servers to be deployed on the radio access network side. This enables the wireless access network to integrate three functions: caching, computing, and communications. Because of its relatively limited storage and computing capabilities, it is computationally intensive. With the continuous expansion of the scale of mobile multimedia applications, a large number of mobile terminals and applications will have fierce competition for limited cache, computing and communication resources of edge nodes, and the effectiveness of their resources will limit the good user experience. Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, the specific research content of this paper is as follows:

This paper is based on the wireless network scenario of storage, computing, and communication convergence. It is oriented to the transmission of dynamic adaptive video streaming media. The theme of the three major resources of caching, computing, and communications is combined, and the deep learning related algorithms are combined to calculate virtual network operators. The comprehensive revenue perspective modeling, in the case of channel status, cache capacity, and computing power changes over time, expands resource allocation research and proposes solutions. This problem is a typical NP-hard problem. The algorithm with no polynomial time complexity can obtain the optimal solution. Because the problem involves many kinds of variables, large scale and mutual coupling, it is difficult to obtain the traditional method based on the traditional method. Solution to the problem. Therefore, this paper intends to introduce the solution of deep Q learning, and model the operator as an Agent. It is proposed that the status of edge nodes, base stations, users, and transmission links, and user requests be regarded as environmental information, and the manner in which the base station responds to user requests behaves as an action, and returns the comprehensive income obtained by the operator in response to the user request. Agent interacts with the environment by taking actions, observing changes in the environment, and gaining feedback, thereby continuously improving its subsequent behavior and maximizing long-term accumulation of rewards. As the number of iterations continues to increase, an optimal strategy can be obtained. Finally, the simulation platform is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and has a good optimization effect.

Keywords: deep learning; resource allocation; wireless networks; mobile edge caching and computing


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景、目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文组织结构 4

第2章 相关原理和技术介绍 5

2.1 移动边缘计算和缓存 5

2.1.1 特点与关键技术 5

2.1.2 平台架构 7

2.1.3 应用场景 8

2.2 机器学习相关算法 10

2.2.1 强化学习 11

2.2.2 Q学习 12

2.2.3 深度Q学习 13

2.3 本章小结 14

第3章 基于深度Q学习的资源分配方案设计与仿真 16

3.1 系统模型 16

3.2 问题建模 17

3.2.1 通信建模 17

3.2.2 计算建模 17

3.2.3 缓存建模 18

3.3 算法设计 19

3.3.1 状态空间 20

3.3.2 动作空间 20

3.3.3 回报函数 21

3.4 算法仿真 22

3.4.1 参数设置 22

3.4.2 仿真结果分析 23

3.5 本章小结 24

第4章 总结和展望 25

4.1 本文总结 25

4.2 工作展望 25

致谢 27

参考文献 28



近年来,随着智能终端的普及和发展,以4K/8K超高清移动视频、流媒体、虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)、增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR)等为代表的新型移动多媒体业务和应用不断涌现。例如,超高分辨率的屏幕越来越成为智能终端的标配,为新型移动多媒体业务的发展奠定了坚实的基础;在硬件设备方面,谷歌推出了眼镜、头盔等VR设备,三星宣布和Oculus合作推出虚拟现实头盔Gear VR;在软件平台方面,谷歌和苹果分别构建了AR应用程序软件平台ARcore和ARKit,将2D或3D元素添加到相机的实时场景中,使得这些元素看起来就存在于现实世界中。上述平台结合了设备运动追踪、相机场景捕捉、高级场景处理和便利显示,简化了AR体验的任务。可以预见,随着未来移动通信技术、智能终端技术的不断发展和进步,移动多媒体业务将有更加广阔的市场应用前景。

在移动多媒体业务高速发展的同时,对于数据传输速率提出了新的要求。由于用户群体在视频内容,显示设备和接入网络容量需求等方面的异质性日益增加,使得移动视频流式传输变得越发复杂。动态自适应流媒体(Dynamic adaptive streaming)技术,简单地说,就是将同一视频内容在不同的码率或者清晰度的条件下进行编码,得到不同清晰度的视频版本,当用户请求该视频内容时,服务器综合考虑该用户终端设备和网络条件等环境因素,向不同的用户传输合适码率或者清晰度的视频版本,可以提高用户整体满意程度[1],现已成为异构网络视频流传输的一种有效方法。此外,由于移动视频内容比其他内容类型具有更高的比特率,移动视频将产生大量的移动流量增长。根据行业内权威评估和预测[2],在2016年移动视频流量占所有类别移动总流量的60%,预计在2021年这一数字将会达到78%,从2016年到2021年的五年时间中,移动视频的数量将增加9倍。移动视频在2016年至2021年间的复合年增长率接近54%,高于整体平均移动流量复合年增长率的47%。据估计,在2021年每月产生的49艾字节的数据流量中,有38艾字节的数据属于视频。



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