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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2020-04-12 16:18:48  

摘 要







The main research background of this paper is 720 degree flight simulator, which is the 360 degree rotation of X axis plus Y axis, and realizes its motion control in hardware structure and software system. The flight simulator designed in this paper is a kind of game simulator. The motion of the simulator is mainly displayed and controlled by computer. Two servo motors drive two load axes to rotate to complete the rotation of two degrees of freedom. This is a commercial entertainment simulator, so it's certainly not as good as a real flight simulator in terms of environment and feel, but it can help ordinary people experience how they operate an airplane to some extent. Bringing entertainment to people can also be promoted to a certain extent. The development of market economy.

In this paper, the realization and control of the 720-degree two-axis rotation motion are studied. The basic task is to design the main devices, connect the main structures and write the basic software for motion control.

The main way of this design is to use the computer to control the motion controller, and then the motion controller sends the motion control signal to the servo motor driver to realize the movement of the motor driving the load shaft. The computer and motion controller have the powerful ability to calculate and store the information, can process and send the information accurately, and the powerful control and execution ability of the servo motor drive at the present stage, which greatly improves the reliability of the system.

The main tasks in hardware design include motor and motor drives, motion controllers, selection of position detection devices, their connection and CNC, RS232 communication instructions and the design of basic control circuits. The position detection device is fed back to the drive controller to realize the rotation control of the motor so as to realize the flight simulator's position. The design of the control circuit is mainly used to realize the function of starting and stopping of the machine and the alarm and braking. In the software design, the program is mainly involved in the programming of the motion controller. By calling the basic function of the dynamic link library, the positive and negative solution algorithm, the body sensing method and so on, the controller is used to control the controller and programming.

Keywords: flight simulator; servo drive; motion controller; dynamic link library


第1章 绪论 1

1.1目的和意义 1

1.2国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1 国外飞行模拟器的现状 1

1.2.2 国内飞行模拟器的现状 1

1.3发展趋势 2

1.4用户需求分析 3

1.5本文所做工作 3

第2章720度飞行模拟器总体设计 4

2.1系统功能与技术指标 4

2.2系统的组成和总体设计方案 5

2.3 驱动方案设计 6

2.3.1 驱动方案的概述 7

2.3.2 电机和驱动器的选型 7

2.3.3 减速装置 8

2.3.4 电机功率的校核 10

2.4位置检测组件 13

2.4.1 光电编码器 14

2.5本章小结 15

第3章 系统硬件结构设计 16

3.1 运动控制器 16

3.2 运动控制模式 17

3.2.1 位置脉冲/方向指令输入端口的结构 19

3.2.2 用户IO的结构 19

3.3 电机、编码器和驱动器的连接 19

3.4 驱动器和运动控制器的连接 20

3.5 通信模块 21

3.5.1 CAN总线通信 21

3.5.2 RS232/RS485通信 22

3.6 电气控制回路 23

3.7 本章小结 24

第4章 控制系统的设计 25

4.1 动态链接库的概述 25

4.2 参数 26

4.3 函数 28

4.4 对控制器的编程手册进行深入的了解 29

第5章 以太网通讯的调试 30

5.1 以太网通讯的基本框架 30

5.2 以太网通讯的调试 30

5.2.1 PING连接调试 30

5.2.2 TCP调试助手调试 33

5.2.3 Wireshark抓包 34

5.3 通讯软件 35

第6章 经济性和环保性分析 36

结论 37

参考文献 38

致谢 39

附录 电气原理图和接线图

第1章 绪论








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