2020-04-12 15:47:55
摘 要
Since 2009, China has had the world's largest annual sales of automobiles, which is inconsistent with the market with huge potential. The proportion of loans purchased by our country is not high. Compared with developed countries, for example, the penetration rate of auto consumer credit is 93% in the United States, 81% in the United Kingdom, 74% in Germany, and 46% in Japan, and the penetration rate in China is only about 21%. At present, China's economy is developing rapidly, and the demand for auto consumption is also increasing rapidly. The demand for consumer credit business in the auto market is also rising. As far as car consumption credit institutions are concerned, China’s commercial banks are the mainstay of auto consumption credit, while auto finance companies are in the minority. At present, China’s auto consumption credit restricts the development of commercial banks in auto consumption finance due to complicated operation procedures, low credit limits, and imperfect personal credit systems. The bottleneck of the development of auto finance companies is the lack of financing channels, investment instruments and related professionals.
In the context of rising demand for auto consumption in China, suppliers of auto consumer credit face many challenges and challenges. This article mainly discusses the competitiveness and advantages and disadvantages of auto finance credit companies in auto financing companies and commercial banks in the market through analysis and comparison. At the same time, the possibility of cooperation between the two is discussed. This paper establishes a linear regression model of consumption data in the automotive financial market in recent years, analyzes the main factors restricting the development of China's auto consumer credit and its impact measures, and puts forward proposals for accelerating the development of auto consumer credit, as well as China’s auto finance and economic structure. Adjustment and balanced development are of great significance.
Key words: Auto financial service; Consumption credit
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 2
1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 2
第2章 国内外汽车信贷 发展现状分析 4
2.1 国内汽车金融服务研究现状 4
2.2 国外汽车消费信贷研究现状 5
第3章 我国汽车消费信贷主体的比较分析 6
3.1 运用SWOT分析对两种信贷消费主体的对比分析 7
3.1.1 汽车金融公司与商业银行两种信贷主体 7
3.1.2 汽车金融公司与商业银行的优势、劣势对比分析 7
3.1.3 汽车金融公司与商业银行的机会、威胁对比分析 9
3.2 加强两者合作开展汽车消费信贷 11
3.2.1 双方开展合作的可行性 11
3.2.2 双方开展合作的具体方式 11
3.2.3 合作案例分析 12
第4章 制约我国汽车消费信贷的因素分析 13
4.1 汽车消费贷款的利率收到管制 13
4.2 个人信用制度的不健全 13
4.3 汽车金融公司融资渠道、业务范围和地域范围受到限制 14
4.4 汽车消费信贷产品单一,缺乏竞争力 15
4.5 担保或保险制度不完善 16
第5章 制约我国汽车消费信贷发展的因素的实证分析 17
5.1 模型设定 17
5.2 模型数据整理 18
5.3 实证结论分析 20
第6章 结论和建议 21
6.1 相关结论 21
6.2 对策建议 22
6.2.1 创新优化汽车消费信贷产品 22
6.2.2 探索商业银行和汽车金融公司合作新模式 23
6.2.3 创新优化汽车消费信贷产品 23
6.2.4 搭建汽车金融生态圈,打造共赢发展的平台 24
6.2.5 加快汽车消费信贷的资产证券化步伐 24
参考文献 25
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景
2009年开始,中国在汽车销量方面就遥遥领先于其他国家。最近几年,中国的汽车销量增长迅速。据权威数据显示,中国汽车销量最近几年都呈现出良好的发展态势,尤其在2016年生产销量创下新的最高记录,达到2811.88万辆,增幅达14.46%,售卖2802.82万辆, 增幅达13.65%,产销同比增长率与2015年相比提高了11.21和8.97个百分点[1]。在汽车销量不断上升的背景下,很多人为了实现自己的买车梦,纷纷选择了贷款消费这一超前的消费方式。在欧美等发达国家中,汽车消费信贷早已经成为了一种发展成熟的金融产品,对社会的经济发展发挥着推波助澜的作用。然而,中国拥有着最大的汽车销售量, 汽车消费信贷市场发展的其他方面还不能和美国匹敌[2]。
1.2 课题研究的意义