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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文

Research on E commerce in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) : Benefits , Limitations and Suggestions开题报告

 2020-03-04 09:48:21  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

e-commerce orelectronics commerce is a methodology of modern business, which addresses theneed of business organizations, vendors and customers to reduce cost andimprove the quality of goods and services while increasing the speed ofdelivery; it can be broadly defined as the process of buying or selling ofgoods or services using an electronic medium such as the internet.

benefit is an advantage or profit gainedfrom something; a payment or gift, as one made to help someone or given by anemployer, an insurance company, or a public agency; a theatrical performance orother public entertainment to raise money for a charitable organization orcause.

limitation isa limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability orhandicap; something that limits; a limit or bound; restriction; the act oflimiting.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

there are noavailable statistics published in the country about e-commerce; the e-commerceis not yet in inception phase. this work will be among the first step in theresearch about the e-commerce development in the country.

therefore, the objective of the research canonly be achieved by collecting data from differentavailable sources of information in areas where e-commerce capabilities arelikely to be present ; academic researches, special journal in is and webresources. the research will also use data collected from survey via interviewsof organizations which will be involved in the e-commerce development, mostlybanks, regulation board and mobile operators.

modernelectronic commerce (e-commerce) is one of the biggest commercial activitiesusing the internet as channel of diffusion. the advance and continuingdevelopment of internet technologies in telecommunications and mobileapplications has propelled the growth of e-commerce. consequently making itmuch easier to do business over the internet and reach mass audiences globallyand even in remote places.


3. 研究计划与安排

1.2017.12.21-2018.01.10 Confirm the selected topics, research and consult literature materials, and complete the opening report;
2.2018.02.15-2018.02.20 According to the graduation thesis task book to write the essay outline
3.2018.02.21-2018.03.20 Complete the first draft of the graduation thesis;
4.2018.03.21-2018.04.20 Modify the first draft of the graduation thesis;
5.2018.04.21-2018.04.30 finalized thesis and submitted the thesis;
6.2018.05.01-2018.05.06 Prepare for thesis defense.

4. 参考文献(12篇以上)


-davidkuechler the evolution of e-commerce research

- esperantngongo e-commerce capabilities assessment:security of e-payment systems-case ofthe democratic republic of congo

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