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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-07-18 22:05:30  


摘 要








Image Processing Technology in Face Detection Application


With the development of technology, the traditional identity identification methods , such as identity cards and credit cards, began to make people feel inconvenienced. It inconvenient to carry , easy to lose , and sometimes you may have forgotten the password , and the password is see through , and so on , will bring these issues to the troubled and troublesome. People need a new reliable authentication, an impossible to prove identity and has lost its identity . This is the human face , fingerprint , iris, voice , etc. biometrics . Because facial feature is a more direct and convenient means of identification , in recent years the development of facial recognition technology is characterized by rapidly up . In recent years , face and facial expression recognition has attracted the attention of more researchers. The first step is to detect any human face processing system location of the face in the image . However , from an image, face detection is a challenging task because of its scale , position, orientation and posture are changing , facial expression , occlusion , and lighting conditions also change. In the face recognition system , face detection is the first step . Firstly, the significance of face detection , research focus , research status were introduced ; and proposed methods face a complex background color image detection. YCgCr color space using color region segmentation , the binary image color segmentation analysis and post- processing mathematical morphology and connectivity in the region , in the face image gray value lower eye area , and rich gradation changes so you can use to determine the approximate integral projection eye position , as far as possible to remove most of the non-face area , eventually locating the face region .

Key Words: Image processing technology;Face Detection;YCgCr Skin color segmentation ;Integral projection;Eye location

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1人脸检测 1

1.1.1人脸检测简介 1

1.1.2 人脸检测技术状的发展与现 1

1.2 本课题前景和待解决的问题 4

1.3主要研究内容和研究意义 5

1.3.1 主要研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究意义 6

1.4本文内容安排 6

第二章 人脸检测的相关理论与图像处理技术 7

2.1 色彩空间 7

2.1.1 RGB格式(红、绿、蓝三基色模型) 7

2.1.2 HSI格式(色度、饱和度、亮度模型) 8

2.1.3 HSV 8

2.1.4 YCbCr色彩空间 9

2.1.5 YCgCr色彩空间 10

2.2 肤色分割模型 10

2.2.1 肤色模型 10

2.2.2 高斯肤色模型 10

2.3 相关图像分析与处理技术 10

2.3.1 模板匹配 10

2.3.2 形态学 12

第三章 基于颜色空间的人脸检测方法 17

3.1 检测定位算法的基本概述 17

3.1.1 基于色度空间的肤色像素提取 17

3.1.2 高斯肤色模型的建立 19

3.1.3 肤色分割 20

3.1.4自适应阈值 20

3.1.5候选区域处理 22

第四章 眼睛定位 26

4.1眼睛定位常用方法 26

4.2灰度投影法 26

4.2.1投影函数 26

4.2.2梯度图像 27

第五章 总结与展望 29

5.1总结 29

5.2展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

附录 32

人脸检测代码 32


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