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 2022-07-10 19:38:09  


摘 要


本文研究了基于点的图形绘制过程,进一步探讨了基于多边形网格的细分方法,为此本文中进一步探讨了基于多边形网格的细分方法,分析了基于三角形网格 1-4 分裂的 Loop 细分模式的优点,并实现了基于 Loop细分模式的曲面造型。具体实现过程如下:首先从数据文件中读取初始网格数据,然后利用 loop 细分模式进行 2 次细分,得到不同网格密度的数据,最后给出了细分前后的点数、边数以及面数,并显示了细分前后的点的效果图。

关键词:MATLAB LOOP细分 GUI绘图 曲面建模


The computer graphics has played important roles in many fields since it appeared. Drawing three dimensions image is one of the important parts of computer graphics. It generates the realistic images which likes the colorful photos in computer graphic equipment. It utilizes the knowledge on math,physics, computer science and other sciences to draw the image. With the development of the theories of computer graphics, great accomplishments have been achieved in this field. We have made considerable progress in the technology of surface modeling, illumination modeling, visibility, and texture mapping, etc. And now we are able to generate better and more realistic images. Surface modeling is one of the most active and important subject in computer graphics. It studies on the representing, designing, showing and analyzing of surface in a computer imaging system. The geometry representing on three dimensions object has been applied widely. The surface modeling is needed from the industrial model design of home electric appliances and light industrial products to three dimension model and design of cloth. Form the early days of three dimensions graphics, the geometry model based on the polygonal meshes has been used.In the process of drawing the graph, the effect of image is influenced for the incompact polygonal meshes. A subdivision surface modeling method is presented and developed.

The process of drawing image based on points was studied in this paper.The subdivision method was studied in this paper. The advantages of Loop scheme based on triangle mesh are discussed and the surface modeling based on Loop scheme is realized. The implement processing is as follows: Firstly, read the original mesh data from file. And then subdivide the surface by Loop scheme to get the mesh data of different consistency. Finally, give the numbers of points,edges and face and show the effect graph that obtained before and after subdivision

Key Words: MATLAB LOOP subdivision GUI drawing surface modeling


Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 6

1.1 曲面建模的研究现状 6

1.2 本文主要研究内容 10

第二章 曲面细分的基本理论及算法 12

2.1 细分曲面的特点 12

2.2 细分曲面有关的概念 13

2.2.1 广义单纯复形 13

2.2.2 邻接关系 13

2.2.3 多边形网格 13

2.3细分模式 14

2.4 Loop 细分模式 14

2.4.1 几何规则 15

2.4.2 拓扑结构的建立 16

2.5 本章小结 16

第三章 LOOP细分曲面的编程实现 18

3.1 软件应用简介 18

3.1.1 MATLAB简介 18

3.1.2 GUI绘图 18

3.2课题研究目标 19

3.3 图形的数据结构 19

3.4 实现LOOP细分的程序 20

3.5程序运行实例 22

3.6本章小结 47

第四章 总结与展望 48

参考文献 50

致 谢 52

第一章 绪论

1.1 曲面建模的研究现状

曲面造型是计算机图形学和计算机辅助几何设计(Computer Aided Geometric Design)的一项重要内容,主要研究在计算机图像系统的环境下对曲面的表示、设计、显示和分析。它起源于飞机、船舶的外形放样工艺。很显然,用计算机对一个物体的模型进行分析或模拟比对一个实际物体进行测量或处理要容易得多。三维形体的几何表示处处都要用到它,从家用电器、轻工产品的工业造型设计,以及服装、皮鞋的三维打样和款式设计等等都需要强有力的曲面造型工具。曲面造型现在已经形成了以有理B样条曲面参数化特征设计和隐式代数曲面表示这两类方法为主体,以插值、拟合、逼近这三种手段为骨架的几何理论体系。

通过曲面造型的发展历史,可以看到由于多人的努力,已经形成了许多的曲面造型方法,但上述曲面都是定义在矩形参数域上,是矩形曲面片,无法有效地表示任意拓扑形状的曲面,通常采用逐片构造方法表示复杂物体表面,这时候就需要对曲面片进行剪裁或直接在非规则的四边形网格上构造曲面片,无论哪种情况都要考虑片与片之间的光滑连接。尽管也有三角形域上的 Bézier 曲面,但表示复杂物体时同样需要拼接,这是一个相当困难的工作。随着计算机图形显示对于真实性、实时性和交互性要求的日益增强,随着几何设计对象向着多样性、特殊性和拓扑结构复杂性靠拢这一趋势的日益明显,随着图形工业和制造工业迈向一体化、集成化和网络化步伐的日益加快,随着激光测距扫描等三维数据采样技术和硬件设备的日益完善,曲面造型近几年得到了长足的发展。


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