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 2022-06-07 21:22:17  


摘 要




关键词: AT89C52 DS18B20 LCD液晶显示 DS1302时钟 语音播报

The Design of the Voice-type thermometer


In the 21st century ,mankind entered the information age.At the same time, information processing capability enhancements, with requesting for information gathering technology to provide people with the condition and basis.For example ,the digital thermometer has been widely used in industrial and agricultural production which greatly improved the production and quality of human life.

Choosing AT89C52 as the core,with the peripheral circuits of DS18B20,DS1302, LCD1602 etc. The system not only can display the current time and temperature but also can memory ,display or voice the temperature.When receiving signal from the sensors , which is mainly temperature and time data,the central control module will handle it .Next,the result will be sent to the display module, memory module, and voice broadcast module for further processing,to achieve the feature of real-time display, store-display and voice broadcast .

This paper first introduced the major integrated chip used in the design.And then, the function of each module and circuit will be detailed described.,based on which,we formed the total circuit and conducted a software design . Through software and hardware co-debug,I verify and test the functionality and performance of the system,analyzing the problems and causes of the actual debugging encountered.

Key Words : AT89C52; DS18B20; LCD display; DS1302 clock; Voice broadcast

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 温度计简介 1

1.2 国内外研究及应用现状 1

1.3 论文结构 2

第二章 系统设计方案 3

2.1设计要求 3

2.2系统整体规划 3

2.3模块选择 4

2.3.1电源模块 4

2.3.2核心控制模块 4

2.3.3时钟模块 4

2.3.4测温模块 4

2.3.5液晶显示模块 5

2.3.6语音播报模块 5

2.3.7键盘扫描模块 6

第三章 硬件设计 7

3.1 单片机模块 7

3.1.1 AT89C52简介 7

3.1.2单片机最小系统 7

3.2温度检测模块 9

3.2.1 DS18B20简介 9

3.2.2 DS1302与单片机接口电路设计 10

3.3时钟模块 11

3.3.1 DS1302简介 11

3.3.2 DS1302与单片机接口电路设计 11

3.4液晶显示模块 12

3.4.1 LCD1602简介 12

3.4.2 LCD1602与单片机接口电路设计 12

3.5语音播报模块 13

3.5.1 WT588D-U语音模块简介 13

3.5.2 WT588D-U模块与单片机接口电路设计 14

3.6键盘模块 14

3.6.1键盘模块简介 14

3.6.2键盘模块与单片机接口电路 14

第四章 软件设计 16

4.1开发工具介绍 16

4.2系统的主程序设计 16

4.2.1程序流程图 16

4.2.2温度测量子程序 17

4.2.3时钟子程序 20

4.2.4液晶显示子程序 21

4.2.5语音播报子程序 22

4.2.6键盘扫描子程序 24

第五章 仿真及实物调试结果 26

5.1 Proteus仿真电路图 26

5.2 实物调试和结果 27

第六章 问题分析和系统改进 29

6.1问题分析 29

6.1.1设计调试中的问题 29

6.1.2 问题分析及解决方案 29

6.2系统改进 29

6.2.1目前已完成的功能 29

6.2.2系统改进设想 30

结束语 31

参考文献 32

第一章 绪 论

1.1 温度计简介




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