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 2022-05-30 21:59:48  


摘 要

在平时正常生活里, 家庭和公司的安全措施、办公室的重要资料还有很多隐私的资料的保护大都用上锁来进行管理。如果使用一贯的机械钥匙开锁,那么大家就得带很多的钥匙,这样特别麻烦, 并且钥匙一旦丢了那么安全性就有很大隐患。拥有预防盗窃并可以发出警报能力的基于单片机的电子锁来取代密码种类和数量都很小、安全等级低的以机械为原理的密码锁变成了大势所趋。密码锁拥有保险等级高、价格亲民、耗电小、使用简单、牢记密码即可随时打开密码锁的优势。

本文设计了一款拥有设置并修改六位数密码、超过三次输错立即预警并锁住密码锁等一系列实用的功能的电子密码锁,此设计是由STC89C51单片机系统、4×4矩阵键盘、红外遥控器、LCD1602显示器和警报系统等组成。此设计由P0口来控制LCD屏幕显示,如果输入的密码无误则LCD屏幕报出OPEN! 如果输入的密码不对则亮出ERROR!一旦大于三次密码错误则立即锁住。本系统亮点在于无线红外遥控器,可以大大方便用户,在繁忙时可以远距离操控。本系统成本低廉,功能实用。

关键词: STC89C51 LCD1602 电子密码锁 红外遥控器 4×4矩阵键盘

The design and implementation of electronic combination lock based on MCU


In your normal life, family and the company's safety measures, office, there are a lot of important information on the protection of the privacy information are managed in locked. If you use a consistent mechanical key to open the lock, then you have to take a lot of keys, such a special trouble, and once lost keys security has very big hidden trouble. With can prevent theft and alert abilities based on single chip microcomputer of electronic password lock to replace the type and quantity are small, low security levels for mechanical principle of the combination lock into the trend of The Times. Combination lock has insurance level is high, the price people, small power consumption, simple to use, keep in mind the password to open the advantage of the combination lock at any time.

This paper designed a model with six digits password setup and modify, more than three times mistyped warning immediately and lock the combination lock, and a series of practical function of electronic combination lock ,this is a design from the STC89C51 microcontroller system, 4 * 4 matrix keyboard, infrared remote control and LCD1602 display and alarm system, etc. This design of P0 mouth to control the LCD screen display, if the input password is correct, the LCD screen quote us OPEN! If the input password is not correct to highlight the ERROR. Once is more than three times wrong password lock immediately. This system is wireless infrared remote control, can greatly facilitate the user, can remote control when busy. This system is low cost, function and practical.

Key Words:STC89C51; LCD1602; Electronic password lock; 4×4 keyboard; infrared remote controller


摘要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1课题背景和意义 1

1.2电子密码锁发展趋势 2

第二章 方案论证 3

2.1电子密码锁设计的具体要求 3

2.2总体设计方案选定 4

第三章 系统硬件设计 5

3.1设计原理 5

3.2单片机STC89C51简介 5

3.3 AT24C02存储芯片 8

3.4 LCD显示模块 9

3.5 键盘设计 11

3.6 声音提示模块 12

3.7 继电器控制模块 13

3.8 红外接收模块 13

第四章 系统软件设计 16

4.1 主程序模块 16

4.2 键盘扫描子程序 17

4.3 系统模块密码设置子程序 18

4.4 开锁子程序 20

4.4 软件调试 20

第五章 系统制作及调试 24

5.1 焊接注意事项 24

5.2 硬件调试问题及解决方法 25

第六章 结论 26

参考文献 27

附录一 原理图 28

附录二 仿真图 29

附录三 主程序 30

致谢 36

第一章 引 言





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