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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-05-30 21:59:40  


摘 要


关键词:纳秒级高压脉冲电源 脉冲功率 Marx发生器 IGBT Saber

The Design of High Voltage Pulsed Power System


With the deepening of pulse power technology application field , and the development of power electronic power semiconductor devices, the traditional Marx generators use gas switch as its main switch, they have obvious shortcomings like low repetition rate, poor job stability, work efficiency low and short service life. Because of these limitations, it can not meet the needs of the modern application field. However, the power electronic semiconductor switching devices represented by IGBT switch greatly improve the performance of Marx generator. Solid state Marx generator is playing a more and more important role in modern application field. So the research on the Marx generator based on solid-state switch device becomes the research direction of many researchers.This paper bases on the traditional Marx generator principle of work in detail , introduces a kind of solid state Marx generator design method using IGBT as main switch, in order to get the high voltage nanosecond pulse output through introducing the working principle and designing solid state Marx generator main circuit. In this paper, the selection scheme of the device in the solid-state Marx main circuit is introduced, including the calculation method of main capacitor, the calculation method of inductance, the choice of IGBT switch tube, etc.. In addition, IGBT switch tube driving circuit are introduced in detail in this paper, from the drive signal to the power amplifier circuit to the series transformer ,their structures and principles are introduced, MIC4452 drive chip are introduced in detail as well. In the end, the Saber simulation of the designed circuit is carried out, and the Saber simulation model of the four stage Marx circuit is presented, and the simulation results are analyzed. The high voltage pulse of the output nanosecond grade is realized, and the high voltage pulse power supply of the second grade pulse is successfully designed.

Keywords: Marx power generator Pulse power supply IGBT nanosecond Saber

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 脉冲功率技术概述 1

1.2课题研究的背景和意义 2

1.3目前面临的主要问题和研究的状况 3

1.4论文的主要工作概述 6

第二章Marx发生器的研究 9

2.1 Marx发生器综述 9

2.2传统的Marx发生器 10

2.2.1 传统Marx发生器的电路结构介绍 10

2.2.2 传统Marx发生器的工作原理 12

2.2 全固态的Marx发生器 14

第三章 纳秒级高压脉冲电源的设计 18

3.1 Marx发生器主电路部分的设计 18

3.1.1 关于二级管的选择 19

3.1.2 关于负载的选择 19

3.1.3关于开关管的选取 19

3.1.4关于电感的选择 21

3.1.5 关于主电容的选择 22

3.2 IGBT开关管驱动电路的研究 23

3.2.1关于DSP介绍 24

3.2.2功率放大电路介绍 24

3.2.3串心变压器的设计 25

3.2.4 关于驱动芯片 25

3.2.5驱动电路的工作原理 27

3.3基于saber软件的仿真及分析 29

3.3.1 saber软件介绍 29

3.3.2仿真模型介绍及结果分析 30

3.3.3 仿真结果介绍及分析 31

第四章 结束语 34

参考文献 35

致谢 38

第一章 绪论

1.1 脉冲功率技术概述

脉冲功率技术(Pulsed Power Technology)是高电压技术的一个分支学科,它是一种旨在实现功率放大的电物理技术。通过在短时间内对电路进行压缩和转换,且要在纳秒量级的时间内将最初缓慢储存起来的密度非常高的电能释放给负载,从而实现了输出高功率的脉冲信号。脉冲功率技术的出现,是应在材料响应实验、闪光X射线照相以及模拟核武器效应等应用领域的需求。早在上个世纪60年代,英国的原子武器研究中心(AWER)的闪光射线机研究小组的研究人员结合脉冲发生器和传输线技术,从而得到了纳秒量级的高功率脉冲,并将这种技术应用在获得高强度X射线的研究中,极大的提高了闪光X射线机的能量和强度。从而翻开了脉冲功率技术研究的崭新的一页。


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