2022-05-24 21:33:45
摘 要
将两种或两种以上的聚合物共混是制备新型高分子材料的一种重要途径。聚碳酸酯(PC)是一种力学性能优异的工程塑料,但存在流动性差、易发生应力开裂等缺点;聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯-1,4- 环己烷二甲醇酯(PETG)透明度高、光泽度好,是一种新型透明工程塑料。将两者共混,有望获得性能优异的新产品。本论文通过熔融共混法,将 PETG与 PC 进行共混,制备 PC/PETG 共混合金,考察了 PC/PETG 合金的密度、硬度、透明性、力学性能、微观形态结构等。研究结果如下:
1. PC/PETG 合金的物化性能较两种组分均有所不同:其密度与 PC 相当,但低于PETG;洛氏硬度较 PC 稍有降低,但高于 PETG;PC/PETG 合金透明性优良,透光率达到 90%。PC/PETG 合金具有优良的力学性能:其拉伸强度,弯曲强度和弯曲模量稍低于 PC,断裂伸长率较 PC 有了大幅度的提高,缺口冲击强度也有一定幅度的提高。
2. PC/PETG 合金的维卡软化温度和热变形温度随着 PETG 含量的增加而下降;热重分析(TG)的结果表明:PC/PETG 合金的热分解温度在 400℃以上,热稳定低于 PC,但高于 PETG。
3. 示差扫描量热法(DSC)的分析表明:PC 和 PETG 两个体系相容性较好,PC/PETG(85/15)体系只出现了一个 Tg 温度,为完全相容体系。红外光谱(IR)的分析表明:PC 和 PETG 熔融混炼时,发生了分子链的滑移扩散和酯交换反应。
4. 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)测试结果表明:PC/PETG 合金两相分布均匀,没有明显的分层,且断口面凹凸不平,有屈服现象,为韧性断裂;随着PETG用量的增 加,PC/PETG 合金的分子链结构更加致密。
Study on blends of PC and PETG
Blending of two or more polymers is an important way to prepare novel polymer materials. Polycarbonate (PC) is a kind of engineering plastic with excellent performance, but it has poor flowability and stress cracking. Polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) , which has high transparency and glossiness, is a novel transparent engineering plastic. Therefore, a novel polymer material could be obtained by the blending of PC and PETG. In the dissertation, the blends of PC/PETG were prepared in the twin-screw extruder by melt blending,and their density, hardness, transparency, mechanical properties,micromorphological structure, thermal properties,and compatibility were studied. The resultswere as followings:
1. PC/PETG alloy's density was close to the PC and below the PETG; the Rockwell hardness was slightly lower than the PC but higher than the PETG; PC/PETG alloy was a transparent systemwith the light transmittance as high as 90%.PC/PETG alloy's mechanical properties was similar to the PC which has good tensile strength, flexile strength and flexile modulus. Compared with pure PC, PC/PETG alloy's elongation at break was significantly improved, and the notched izod impact strengthalsoincreased with a certain extent.
2. With the increase of the PETG content, PC/PETG alloy's vicat softening temperature and heat distortion temperature were decreased. Thermogravimetric(TG) analysis results showed that the decomposition temperature of the PC/PETG alloy was above 400℃. Its thermal stability was lower than the pure PC, but higher than the pure PETG.
3. DSC analysis results showed that only one glass-transition temperature (TG) could be observed in the PC/PTEG(85/15), which demonstrated that PC was completely compatible with PTEG. Moreover, FTIR analysis results showed that slip diffusion and ester interchange reaction between molecular chain took place during melting blend of PC/PTEG.
4. Morphological structure of PC/PETG alloys were investigated by SEM. In the SEM photographs, it could be seen that the two phases of PC/PETG alloys were distributed uniformly and the ruptured surfaces were coarse, which betrayed that the fracture of PC/PTEG blends belonged to ductile fracture. With the increasing of the PETG content,PC/PETG alloys' molecular chain structures were more compact.
Key Words: Polycarbonate(PC), polyethylene terephthalate glycol(PETG),alloy, blend,modification.
目 录
目 录 1
第一章 前言 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 PC的结构及性能特点 1
1.2.1 力学性能 3
1.2.2 热性能 3
1.2.3 光学性能 3
1.2.4 电性能 4
1.2.5 耐化学试剂和耐腐蚀性能 4
1.2.6 耐老化和燃烧性能 4
1.2.7 相容性 5
1.2.8 流动性 5
1.3 PC的发展现状及应用 5
1.3.1 建筑材料 6
1.3.2 汽车制造 6
1.3.3 医疗器械 7
1.3.4 航空航天 7
1.3.5 包装行业 7
1.3.6 电气电子 8
1.3.7 光学透镜 8
1.3.8 光盘基材 8
1.4 PC的改性研究进展 8
1.4.1 “核-壳”结构聚合物共混改性PC 9
1.4.2 ABS共混改性PC 10
1.4.3 聚烯烃共混改性PC 10
1.4.4 热塑性弹性体共混改性PC 11
1.4.5其他聚合物共混改性PC 12
1.5 PETG的结构及性能特点 13
1.5.1 物理性能 14
1.5.2 光学性能 15
1.5.3 耐化学试剂性能 15
1.5.4 二次加工性能 16
1.6 PETG的发展现状及应用 17
1.6.1 片材板材 18
1.6.2 异型材与管材 19
1.6.3 注塑领域 19
1.7 本课题立项背景和主要研究内容 19
第二章 PC/PETG合金的制备与性能研究 20
2.1 实验药品 20
2.2 实验仪器与设备 20
2.3 试验样料制备流程 21
2.4 实验成品 22
2.5 性能测试 22
2.6 结论 26
第三章 PC/PETG合金在产品项目中的应用 26
3.1 产品项目背景 26
3.2 产品项目开发 27
3.2.1 产品要求 27
3.2.2 PC和PETG在产品开发上的优缺点 28
3.2.3 PC/PETG合金制造成本 29
参考文献 31
致 谢 32
第一章 前言
1.1 引言
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