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 2022-05-21 22:34:54  


摘 要

在进行汽车4S店维修服务调度的时候能够使我们的服务快速化以及客户满意化, 分析是否有不必要的客户等待时间,客户等待的人数是否过多,等待的时间是否过长,我们维修的效率是否快速高效等一系列问题。汽车4S店维修服务系统调度目标是客户等待时间最短,通过运用约束理论,分解简化,建立数学模型,然后根据问题特性设计出分解法与约束引导的启发式算法相结合的调度算法;最后通过实例分析验证该算法是否有效以及可行。通过研究,使自己在汽车4S店维修服务调度问题研究这块的理论研究上更上一层楼。并且能够从实际出发,有效地运用所学的理论知识,提高客户对4S店的维修服务满意度,设计出能够行之有效的维修服务调度方案,从而做到理论联系实际。

关键词 :汽车4S店;约束理论;动态调度;维修车间;柔性加工车间


Scheduling research question is scarce resources assigned to different tasks in a certain period of time, it is a decision process, its purpose is to optimize one or more target, it in most of the manufacturing and production systems, and most of the information processing environment plays an important role.In automobile 4 s shop scheduling of maintenance service can satisfy the rapidness, customer service, analysis of whether there is unnecessary customer waiting time, whether the number of customers waiting for too much, the waiting time is too long, the efficiency of maintenance is fast and efficient, and a series of problems.On the basis of combining the theory of optimal operation of the actual characteristics of the scheduling problem, the model and algorithm are studied, the design research a kind of suitable for a new method of auto 4 s shop service scheduling.Will auto 4 s shop scheduling maintenance service system designed to minimize customer waiting time as the goal, on the basis of the theory of constraint decomposition to simplify the scheduling problem of the complex system, the mathematical model is established, and then the decomposition method with constraints based on problem characteristic design guide scheduling algorithm of combining the heuristic algorithm; industry and the specific car sales enterprise has value. Through research, make oneself in automobile 4 s shop service scheduling problem on the research of the theory research with a new level.And can from set out actually, effectively use of theoretical knowledge, improve the 4 s shop service satisfaction, design can effective service scheduling scheme, so as to achieve the theory with practice.

Key words:Auto 4 s shops ;theory of constraints;dynamic scheduling maintenance shop ;flexible manufacturing shop


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1本文研究的背景以及现实意义 1

1.1.1维修服务动态调度研究的背景 1

1.1.2维修服务动态调度研究的现实意义 2

1.2本文的研究内容 3

第二章 4S店的维修调度 5

2.1 4S店介绍 5

2.2汽车4S店维修服务调度的现状与发展趋势 5

2.2.1汽车4S店维修服务调度的现状 6

2.2.2汽车4S店维修服务调度的发展趋势 6

2.3国内外学者对于汽车4S店维修服务调度问题的研究 6

2.3.1国内外学者研究内容 7

第三章 汽车4S店维修服务调度问题研究过程 9

3.1提出优化调度模型 9

3.2问题描述 9

3.2.1 ①机器环境(α域) 10

3.2.2 ②加工特征和约束(β域) 10

3.2.3 ③调度目标(γ域) 10

3.3优化调度模型设计 10

3.3.1符号与基本假设 10

3.3.2模型表达 11

3.4调度算法设计 12

3.4.1问题分解 12

第四章 南京福联4S店的案例优化 15

4.1 案例 15

4.2问题分解 16

4.3子问题求解 16

图7求解结果的有向图 16

4.4解的整合 17

4.5 与现有方式的比较 17

第五章 总结 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪论





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