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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-05-14 19:53:20  


摘 要






This design is a fifteen residential building of water supply and drainage design,including the water supply system, drainage system, fire control system and rainwater system.Water supply system uses partitions,the ground floor to the fifth floor is the lower zone,directly supplied by the municipal pipe network.The sixth to the fifteenth floor is the high zone, using no negative frequency control water supply equipment.Drainage system uses corrupt, wastewater confluence system, the wastewater of the first floor and above is gravity flow into outdoor sewage pipe, the basement unclean wastewater uses submersible to promoted to the outdoor sewage well. The sewage is processed into the municipal sewage pipe. The rainwater drainage system uses roof in row by rainwater fights and indoor rain storm sewer line to outdoor rainwater inspection Wells.

According to the codes,the building belongs to class two fireproof and one class of medium degree dangerous. Indoor fire fight discharge is 15 L/s and outdoor is 20 L/s. There is a fire hydrant as an experiment hydrant on the roof. All hydrant cabinets set a long-distance leave to start the fire fight pump of button.

The building is arranged with wet pipe fire sprinkler system. Alarm valve is arranged on the basement floor two. Each floor should set a flow indicator,water-test equipment and signal valve,its signal all send into fire fight control center to carry on processing. The fire tank is 18 cubic meters,have 10min fire water storage.

Keyword: High-rise buliding 、Water-supply system、Drainage system、Hydrant system、Automatic sprinkler syste、Rainwater system

目 录

第一章 给排水工程设计任务书 8

1.1工程概况 8

1.2 设计依据 8

1.3设计内容 8

1.4完成的工作量 9

1.5设计进度计划 9

第二章 设计说明书 9

2.1给水系统 10

2.2排水系统 10

2.3室内消火栓系统 11

2.4自动喷淋系统 11

2.5雨水排水系统 11

第三章 设计计算书 12

3.1给水系统的计算 12

3.1.1生活用水量计算 12

3.1.2设计秒流量的确定 13

3.1.3生活给水系统水力计算 14

3.1.4低区给水系统所需压力校核 15

3.1.5地下室生活水泵的选择 19

3.2 室内排水系统的计算 19

3.2.1横支管的计算 20

3.2.2立管计算 22

3.2.3排出管计算 23

3.3室内消火栓给水系统的计算 23

3.3.1消防水池的设置 23

3.3.2屋顶消防水箱 24

3.3.3消火栓保护半径 24

3.3.4消火栓布置间距 25

3.3.5消火栓的确定 25

3.3.6消火栓的水力计算 26

3.3.7水泵接合器选定 27

3.3.8消火栓减压计算 28

3.4自动喷淋灭火系统的计算 29

3.4.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据 29

3.4.2管道与报警阀布置 29

3.4.3系统设计流量 30

3.4.4喷淋系统计算草图 30

3.4.5水力计算(作用面积法) 31

3.4.6选泵计算 32

3.4.7水泵接合器 32

3.4.8喷淋减压孔板计算 32

3.5 雨水排水系统的计算 32

3.5.1降雨强度 33

3.5.2汇水面积 33

3.5.3设计秒流量 33

3.5.4雨水斗选用 33

3.5.5连接管计算 34

3.5.6立管计算 34

3.5.7排出管计算 34

参考文献 35

结 语 35

第一章 给排水工程设计任务书



1.2 设计依据



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