2022-05-10 20:16:34
摘 要
关键词:环保民间组织 内部治理 环保事业 环保责任
A study on internal governance issues of Chinese environmental NGO
Since 1978, Chinese environmental NGOs began to sprout, and gradually developed up to now for 30 years of development history. As an important support strength of the development of environmental career, environmental NGOs play a pivotal role to improve the global environment quality. In recent years, the global environment has deteriorated with frequent natural disasters. The environmental NGOs is bound to make some moves to curb the trend of environmental degradation. However, environmental NGOs also encountered difficulties and problems during development, especially the environmental NGOs’ internal disorder and chaos. So, the issues of the environmental NGOs’ internal governance should be given more attention as soon as possible, especially attach great importance to personnel within organizations. Finally, the obstacles appear in the operational process of organization can be solved at the source, so the environmental NGOs are able to play a role in promoting the progress of environmental causes.
This article first introduces the definition, characters, origin of environmental NGOs and the definition, significance of environmental NGOs’ internal governance. And analysis about current situation, problems and causes of environmental NGOs’ internal governance is mentioned. Then the author studies the advantages of foreign environmental NGOs, which provides a lot benefits to solve the shortcomings of China’s environmental NGOs. Finally, the environmental NGOs should suit their method to the situation in accordance of the problems, find countermeasures to solve the problems of environmental NGOs’ internal governance in many ways. So the environmental NGOs can develop successfully and contribute to environmental causes.
Keywords: environmental NGOs; internal governance; environmental undertaking; environmental responsibility;
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、环保民间组织内部治理概述 1
(一)环保民间组织内部治理核心概念的界定 1
1.民间组织 1
2.环保民间组织 1
3.环保民间组织内部治理 2
(二)环保民间组织内部治理的重要性 2
1.良好的环保民间组织内部治理是组织健全发展的前提 2
2.良好的环保民间组织内部治理是发挥社会监督功能的保障 2
3.良好的环保民间组织内部治理能够吸引更多的人才和资金 2
4.良好的环保民间组织内部治理可以更好地帮助公民联系政府 3
二、环保民间组织的发展现状及内部治理问题分析 4
(一)我国环保民间组织发展的现状 4
(二)环保民间组织内部治理存在的问题 4
1.环保民间组织人力资源管理问题 4
2.环保民间组织治理结构问题 6
3.环保民间组织筹资问题 7
4.环保民间组织内部控制问题 9
三、国外环保民间组织内部治理的启示 11
(一)环保民间组织的发展草根化 11
(二)环保民间组织的发展专业化 11
(三)环保民间组织注重资金的筹措和使用 12
(四)重视环保带头人的价值 12
(五)重视内部治理过程的循序渐进 13
四、环保民间组织内部治理问题的解决措施 14
(一)完善环保人才队伍建设,保障志愿者权利 14
1.完善环保民间组织志愿者招募程序 14
2.开展多样化环保培训工作,选拔优秀的环保人才 15
3.保障环保民间组织人员的权益 15
(二)调整环保民间组织内部结构,明确分工 16
1.对环保民间组织理事会工作进行考核,鼓励成员建言献策 16
2.环保民间组织执行权力下放,给予执行官控制权力 17
3.明确环保民间组织内部治理结构规范 17
(三)扩大筹资渠道,多方寻求环保资金收入 17
1.缓和环保组织与企业的矛盾关系,与企业建立互惠合作关系 18
2.与政府部门建立良好的联系,争取更多的环保资金 19
3.增强环保类基金会的综合实力,激发公众捐赠热情 19
(四)加强内部控制,维护环保民间组织的公众形象 20
1.增强环保民间组织带头人的风险意识,健全内部财务控制制度 20
2.疏通环保民间组织内部信息沟通渠道 20
3.加强内部监督力度,提高组织诚信度 20
结语 22
参考文献 23
致谢 26
环保民间组织又可称为环保非营利组织、环保NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)或环保民间团体等。