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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-13 20:03:52  


摘 要






Modeling and controller design for Ball-Plate system


The cricket system is a nonlinear, multi variable and complex under actuated system. It evolved from the rod ball system, is an effective algorithm to verify the platform, its control goal is to make the ball can reach the designated position.

This paper on the theory of Lagrangian mechanics equations as a basis for mathematical modeling of nonlinear cricket system, because the ball is running low, so it can be some coupling terms are neglected, the cricket control system was simplified to be two identical subsystems, to derive the system state space model, the verification system is controllable.Select the angular acceleration or angle of the cricket system as input, the position and angle of the plate as the output of the Simulink simulation model is built.

This paper introduces three kinds of cricket control methods, which are pole placement control, LQR control and LQR- fuzzy control.The LQR-fuzzy control is then the LQR control as the basis, the LQR control of weighting parameters as LQR- fuzzy control input, so that can not only reduce the controller and the design difficulty, but also can further with the first two control methods are compared.According to the principle of the control algorithm, the selection method of each parameter is determined, and the corresponding controller is designed.

After the controller design is completed, the system modeling and simulation are carried out. In order to compare the control effect of the three kinds of control methods, the same initial value is set to the system, and the step signal is used as input.The method for linear and nonlinear models of the control effect of the same control were compared. It is found that the nonlinear system overshoot is smaller, but the response speed is slower, and also on the three kinds of control methods of nonlinear model simulation results were compared. It is found that the LQR-fuzzy control can quickly reach the steady and fast response speed.

Key Words: Ball-Plate system; pole assignment; LQR ; LQR-fuzzy control

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 板球系统研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

第二章 板球系统建模 4

2.1 拉格朗日方程简介 4

2.2 板球系统数学模型 5

2.3 板球系统模型简化 7

2.3.1 角加速度控制量模型 7

2.3.2 角度控制量模型 10

2.4 simulink环境下板球系统的建模 11

2.4.1 板球系统非线性模型 11

2.4.2 板球系统线性模型 12

第三章 板球系统控制器设计及MATLAB仿真 14

3.1 板球系统极点配置控制 14

3.1.1 极点配置控制器设计 14

3.1.2 基于极点配置的板球系统建模及仿真 15

3.2 板球系统线性二次型最优控制 20

3.2.1 LQR控制器设计 21

3.2.2 基于LQR的板球系统建模及仿真 23

3.3 板球系统的LQR-模糊控制 27

3.3.1 模糊集合 27

3.3.2 隶属函数 27

3.3.3 模糊控制器的组成 27

3.3.4 模糊控制器设计 28

3.3.5 基于LQR-模糊控制的板球系统建模及仿真 31

3.1 三种控制方法的比较 36

第四章 总结 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第一章 绪论





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