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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-04-11 20:50:39  


摘 要


本设计为重庆市黄水镇新水厂规划产水能力6千吨/天。设计包括取水工程、净水工程、泵站、排泥水处理等。本设计采用分建式取水构筑物取水,为保证出水水质,给水工艺采用常规(混凝沉淀、过滤及消毒) 臭氧生物活性炭深度处理工艺,能使出厂水水质明显提高。取水泵房直径为15米,高14.5米,选用三台150S78型号水泵,两台并联,一台备用。混凝剂为碱式氯化铝(PAC) 混凝剂,投加量为25mg/L,采用DN300 管式静态混合器进行混合。絮凝池为2 座网格絮凝池,沉淀池选用6 座蜂窝六边形斜管沉淀池,絮凝时间为9.86min,沉淀时间为5.77min。采用2 座无阀滤池,滤速采用,反冲洗水强度为15L/(s·m2)。深度处理工艺选用臭氧—生物活性炭工艺,采用两次臭氧氧化,前臭氧设在絮凝之前,后臭氧与生物活性碳为联用。活性炭滤池采用生物活性炭技术,能有效去除水中有机物和嗅味等,周期可以延长到2~3 年,因此不用再生。设2座清水池,单池容积为1209.6m3

采用二氧化氯为消毒剂,加氯量为1mg/L。二级泵房L×B×H=L×B=16.64m×12.3m×7.32m,选用三台CK100/32 型号水泵,两台并联,一台备用。


关键词:微污染水源 给水厂 常规处理工艺 排泥水 臭氧—活性炭工艺

Shizhu County for a waterworks project design


With the population growth,economic development and the improving of living standards,human not only demends for more and more water,but also increases their demands on water quality.The design uses micro polluted source water ,part of the water quality indicators more than “suface water environment quality standard”(GB3838-2002).

In this design,the design-scale of the water purification plants is about6000t/d.The design includes water supply engineering design,water treatment process design,the pump station design and sludge water treatment process design and so on.This design uses the shore-style water intake structures,In order to remove the hazardous substances,water purification process use the conventional process plus the polishing process of ozone activated carbon,the quality of the effluence will be improved obviously.The diameter of inlet grille of 15 meters, 14.5 meters high.Water intake pump are three sets of 150S78 type water pump, two sets of parallel, one backup.Using the PAC coagulants as coagulant, dosage is 25mg/L,use DN300 tubular static mixer for mixing.Gridding pool with 2 seat folded plate gridding pool,sedimentation tank use 2 seat honeycomb hexagon inclined tube sedimentation tank,the flocculation time is 9.86 min, and the precipitation time is 5.77 min.Using twovalveless filtering pool,speed of filter uses v=9m/h,backwash water intensity q=15L/(s·m2).Advanced treatment process select ozone biological activated carbon process,Ozone is divided into pre (before) the ozone oxidation and the main (rear) after ozone oxidation。Pre oxidation process, ozone is mainly to remove odor and taste, chroma, make water colloid particle destabilization, improve the effect of flocculation. The combined use of post oxidation process with activated carbon, mainly to kill bacteria and viruses.Activated carbon filter use biological activated carbon technology, it can effectively remove organic matter and the smell of water, the cycle can also be extended to 2~3 years, so don't need to regeneration.Using two clean water tanks,single-cell volume is 1209.6m3.

Disinfection use chlorine dioxide as the disinfectant, chlorine dioxide dosage is 1mg/L.The secondary pump room size is L×B×H=16.64m×12.3m×7.32m, Water intake pump are four sets of CK100/32 type water pump, three sets of parallel, one backup.

Sludge water is mainly from the sludge flocculation precipitation and backwashing water. Mud water is calculated by 5% of daily processing capacity, 315m3/ days. Sludge, backwash water is adjusted, concentration, balance water flocculation precipitation, finally made of mud cake reuse. The treated sludge need reuse, sludge reached the sludge thickening tank after adjusted, the supernatant recycling, finally returns flocculation tank.

Keywords: micro polluted source water; water plant; routinely processing; sludge water;

ozone, activated carbon

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 设计概况 1

1.1设计资料 1

1.1.1设计水量 1

1.1.2城市自然状况 1

1.1.3水文及水质资料 1

1.2设计成果 2

第二章 微污染水源水处理技术 4

2.1 臭氧-生物活性炭的发展概况 4

2.1.1 臭氧氧化技术 4

2.1.2 活性炭吸附技术 4

2.1.3 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺 4

2.2 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺的基本原理及作用 5

2.3 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺运用中存在的问题 5

2.4 提高臭氧-生物活性炭技术应用水平的措施 6

2.5 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺应用前景 6

2.6 本设计净水工艺流程确定 6

第三章 取水构筑物设计及计算 8

3.1 取水构筑物的确定 8

3.1.1 取水头部的确定 8

3.2一级泵站 11

3.2.1泵的选型 11

3.2.2吸水管路与压水管路计算 13

3.2.3泵房布置 14

第四章 臭氧——活性炭工艺 19

4.1 臭氧—活性炭工艺简介 19

4.2 臭氧发生系统 19

4.2.1 臭氧发生器气源系统 19

4.2.2 臭氧发生器臭氧发生系统 19

4.2.3 臭氧接触反应系统 19

4.3 臭氧和生物活性炭的技术参数 19

4.3.1 臭氧 19

4.3.2 生物活性炭 20

4.4 臭氧——生物活性炭联合处理设计计算 20

4.5臭氧尾气处理 23

第五章 生物活性炭滤池 24

5.1生物活性炭滤池设计参数 24

5.2 生物活性炭滤池设计计算 24

第六章 混凝工艺设计计算 29

6.1配水井设计 29

6.2 混凝作用 30

6.2.1混凝剂选择 30

6.2.2混凝剂投加量 31

6.2.3 混凝剂投加系统 31

6.3混合作用 34

6.3.1 管式静态混合器 35

6.4 絮凝池 36

6.4.1 网格絮凝池设计计算 37

第七章 沉淀工艺设计与计算 40

7.1 沉淀池的选型 40

7.2 沉淀池设计计算 42

7.2.1设计参数 42

7.2.2 设计计算 42

第八章 过滤工艺计算 46

8.1 过滤工艺简介 46

8.2滤池的工艺比较与选择 46

8.3无阀滤池设计参数 47

8.4无阀滤池设计计算 47

第九章 清水池设计 52

9.1清水池配管及布置设计 52


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