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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-03-25 19:34:03  


摘 要



关键词 :基层政府 公务员 责任意识 依法行政

The Problem Of Local Government Civil Servants Perform Their Duties


Talent is the most important factor in society in twenty-first century, and the civil servant is the most important talent resource in our country. which is responsible for the overall management of the economic and social order and national public resources, and the maintenance of state laws and regulations to carry out the implementation of public officials. The civil servant play an important role of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling in the course of running various policies and policies of the state. Grassroots government officials have played o role of the bridge and link between the party and the government. They are the first-line workers to serve the masses, but also the main force of the grassroots’ construction.Grass - roots civil servants as a special group, the strength level of the basic quality and comprehensive ability . not only directly affects the good image of the party and the country, but also profoundly affects the direction and progress of the reform of the administrative system.

On the basis of combing a large amount of literature date. Firstly, clear performance content of Grass-roots Government civil servants. Secondly, compared with the responsibilities of the grass-roots , and put forward the existence in the process of performance problems of grass-roots civil servants. For example, contact the grassroots masses is not enough, the work efficiency is not high, lazy political phenomenon and so on. According to these problems, counter measures and suggestions to improve the ability to perform their duties of civil servants. Including grassroots civil servants should enhance their sense of responsibility, strengthen communication with the masses, establish the correct view of power, follow the law. At the same time, the government should also improve the treatment of grass-roots civil servants and so on. It can promote the grassroots civil servants to improve performance effect and promote the orderly development of grass-roots government and society.

Key Words:Grass-roots government;Civil servant;Sense of responsibility;Law-based administration

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

一、基层政府公务员履职问题研究概述 IV

(一)选题背景与研究意义 1

1.选题背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)相关概念界定 2

1.公务员 2

2.基层政府 2

(三)基层公务员岗位职责 2

1.全心全意为人民服务 2

2.踏实工作,勤于实践 3

3.遵守宪法、法律与法规 3

4.维护国家的安全、荣誉与利益 3

5.忠于职守,尽职尽责 4

二、基层政府公务员履职案例分析 4

(一)典型案例 5

1.广西贵港市乡政府龙起銮贪污受贿案 5

2.河南省金山街道办事处郭建江不作为案 5

(二)案例分析 5

1.对公务员的监督缺位现象 5

2.基层公务员滥用权力的现象 5

3.基层公务员失职渎职现象 6

三、我国基层公务员履职过程中存在的问题及原因分析 7

(一)存在的问题 7

1.联系基层群众不够 7

2.工作效率不高 7

3.存在懒政现象 7

4.有些公务员以权谋私 7

5.对基层群众的服务能力偏低 8

(二) 原因分析 8

1.责任意识淡薄 8

2.传统“官本位”思想的影响 8

3.法治观念不强 8

4.对基层公务员的激励机制不完善 8

5.一些基层公务员的综合素质不高 9

四、国外公务员履职特色借鉴 10

(一)西方发达国家公务员履行职能的特色 10

1.芬兰公务员的清正廉洁 10

2.新西兰公务员管理模式多样化 10

(二)对我国基层公务员履行职能的启示 10

1.提高自身的道德修养 10

2.基层公务员要增强工作的透明度 10

五、 加强我国基层公务员履职效果的对策建议 12

(一) 基层公务员要不断增强责任意识 12

(二)加强与基层群众的沟通联系 12

(三)基层公务员要树立正确的权力观 12

(四)基层公务员要依法行政 13

(五)健全培训体系,提升公务员服务能力 13

(六)端正行政作风,提高行政效率 13

(七)提高基层公务员的综合素质 14

(八)改善基层公务员的待遇 14

结束语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 19






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