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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 冶金工程 > 正文


 2022-03-24 22:06:53  


摘 要

Abstract IV

第一章 文 献 综 述 1

1.1钢铁行业背景 1

1.1.1国内钢铁行业发展现状 1

1.1.2国外钢铁行业发展现状 3

1.2电炉发展现状 5

1.2.1国内电炉发展现状 5

1.2.2国外电炉发展现状 6

1.2.3电炉和转炉特点的对比 7

1.2.4电炉发展的趋势 7

1.3采用的技术设备 8

1.4存在的问题和解决方法 9

第二章 产品方案、车间生产能力的确定和金属平衡的计算 10

2.1产品方案的确定 10

2.2金属平衡图 11

2.3车间生产能力的确定 12

第三章 超高功率电炉炉型设计 13

3.1 电弧炉的炉型的选择及各项尺寸指标的计算 13

3.1.1熔池的形状与尺寸 13

3.1.2 熔化室 15

3.2 耐火材料及炉壳的设计 16

3.3、水冷挂渣炉壁的设计 17

3.4、水冷炉盖 17

3.5变压器功率和电参数设计 18

3.5.1炉子变压器功率 18

3.5.2电压的级数 18

3.5.3电极直径 19

3.5.4 电极极芯圆分布 21

第四章 主要附属设备选择及其主要工艺参数计算 22

4.1 炉外精炼设备的选择 22

4.1.1炉外精炼的定义和作用 22

4.1.2炉外精炼的分类 22

4.1.3 LF精炼炉设备配置情况 22

4.1.4 LF炉精炼法的特点与冶炼效果 24

4.2浇注方式的选择 24

4.3连铸机的分类与选择 25

第五章 连铸工艺的设计 26

5.1 工艺参数的设定 26

5.1.1钢包允许的最大浇注时间 26

5.1.2铸坯断面 26

5.1.3拉坯速度 26

5.1.4圆弧半径 27

5.1.5铸坯的液相深度和冶金长度 27

5.2连铸机生产能力确定 29

5.2.1连铸机台数的确定 29

5.2.2连铸浇注周期的计算 29

5.2.3连铸机的作业率 30

5.2.4连铸坯收得率 30

5.2.5连铸机生产能力的计算 30

第六章 炼钢车间布局设计 32

6.1、车间总体布局 32

6.2、主厂房内跨间的布置及尺寸的确定 32

6.2.1、原料跨的布置及尺寸确定 32

6.2.2、炉子跨的布置及尺寸确定 35

6.2.3渣跨 36

6.2.4精炼跨 36

6.2.5浇注跨 36

6.2.6电弧炉炼钢厂炉渣运输 37

第七章 环境保护 38

7.1 电炉炼钢厂污染的特点 38

7.2 烟气净化方法的选择 38

参考文献 40



摘 要



关键词:电炉, 电极系统, 车间设计

Design of a steel-making plant with an annual output of 600,000 tons of GCr15 steel by electric arc furnace

——Focus: electric furnace electrode system


In iron and steel industry, electric furnace steel-making is an important way of steel-making, compared to the converter, electric furnace steel-making is a new way of steel-making, the decades by improvement of electric arc furnace and some new EAF steel-making technology development, so that electric steel-making has a place in the iron and steel industry production. In this world, in the context of energy conservation and emission reduction, electric furnace with its low energy consumption, high thermal efficiency characteristics, has been more and more popular in steel enterprises.

The main content of this project is an annual output of 600000 tons of GCr15 steel furnace design, focusing on the electric furnace electrode system to do a detailed description and drawing the plant and electrode system profiles. Through the calculation of material balance and heat balance in EAF steel-making, some reasonable design parameters are determined, and the furnace type of ultra-high-power electric arc furnace is determined by the calculation of the capacity and the size of the arc furnace. Then design the Workshop process and plan. Design in the full embodiment of the environmental protection, economic efficiency, sustainable development of the principle of modern steel plant design.

Key words: UHP EAF,workshop design, electrode system

第一章 文 献 综 述




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