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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 艺术设计学 > 正文


 2022-03-24 22:06:45  


摘 要



关键词:生态设计 文化传承 湿地公园

Landscape reconstruction design of the Art College of Southeast University


Colleges and universities are the place for the country to cultivate talent, the design of the campus of colleges and universities have a direct impact on the students' physical and mental health, learning environment, the growth of students played a subtle role. Many colleges and universities have been focusing on the campus landscape design. Peking University at the end of the lake. As a discipline, the campus landscape design includes two parts, including planning and design, including the teaching area planning, living area planning, sports area planning, etc.. In a narrow sense, the waterfront campus landscape design is on the waterfront landscape environment design, including the design of the topography, water, buildings, plants, sketches, shoreline. Waterfront landscape design with modern design ideas, the spirit of the campus culture, emphasizing the perfect combination of culture and nature, design.

The design of the topic for the College of art and design of Southeast University before the transformation of the landscape. The region is located has a profound cultural connotation and the rich natural environment. The design is based on the lake landscape with the main line, combined with the historical culture and the surrounding environment, campus environment to create a unity of a culture and nature of campus square design.

Key words: ecological design culture heritage Wetland Park


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 滨水景观概述 1

1.1 滨水景观地概念 1

1.2滨水景观的分类 1

1.3滨水景观的特点 1

1.4滨水景观的功能和作用 2

1.4.1滨水景观的功能 2

1.4.2滨水景观的作用 2

第二章 校园滨水景观 3

2.1校园滨水景观的概念 3

2.2 校园滨水景观的特点 3

2.3校园滨水景观设计的原则 3

2.4校园滨水景观设计的理念 4

2.5校园滨水景观的文化性 5

2.6校园滨水景观的生态性 5

2.7国外优秀案例对设计方案的启示 6

第三章 东南大学九龙湖校区艺术学院景观改造设计 8

3.1前期分析 8

3.1.1项目背景与项目简介 8

3.1.2基地现状分析 9

3.1.3设计理念的形成 10

3.2专项分析与规划 10

3.2.2景点分布设计 11

3.2.3地面铺装设计 12

3.3植物景观 13

3.3.1 湖岸水景绿化空间 13

3.3.2 校园广场绿化空间 13

3.3.3 运功娱乐空间 13

3.3.5植物的配置 13

3.4 校园景观设计时要注意的问题 14

3.5 优秀案例对设计方案的启示 14

第四章 结论和启示 16

结论: 16

启示: 16

参考文献: 17

致 谢 18



第一章 滨水景观概述


1.1 什么是滨水景观




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