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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-03-22 20:32:26  


摘 要


移动床生物膜反应器(Moving-bed Biofilm Reactor, MBBR)是20世纪末开发并得到利用的一种高效污水生物处理技术,主要操作过程是直接将密度近似于水的悬浮填料投加到曝气池中作为微生物生长附着的载体,漂浮的载体在反应器内随着混合液的回旋翻转作用而自由移动,从而达到处理污水的目的。通过生物质与生物膜反应器相结合能更有效地去生产γ-PGA。根据这个原理,本研究尝试将MBBR引入到γ-PGA的发酵生产中。

首先对适合MBBR的流化床填料进行了筛选,结果发现聚丙烯材料TL-2最适合此发酵过程,γ-PGA产量和细胞干重达到37.6 ± 0.34 g/L和6.65 ± 0.24 g/L,比不添加填料条件下分别提高了18.6%和25.0%;在7.5 L发酵罐上对TL-2的装载量进行了考察,结果发现与摇瓶中差异较大,可能是由于挡板和搅拌桨叶的影响;通过补加葡萄糖刺激γ-PGA积累,最终能产生67.4 ± 0.38 g/L γ-PGA,而且重复批次发酵性能稳定,γ-PGA浓度和生产速率得到持续提高;基于传统的反应器和MBBR生产γ-PGA的实际操作过程,利用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)建立几何模型对两种罐内的物质混合、能量传质和溶氧特性等流动参数进行了分析比较,表明MBBR内气液流动更迅速、物质能量交换更充分,从而有利于γ-PGA发酵的进行。

关键词:γ-PGA 移动床生物膜 生物大分子


γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) is a water-soluble, biodegradable, edible and non-toxic for humans and the environment of the biopolymer substances, micro-organisms can be obtained by polymerization. Environmental protection, food, medicine, agriculture has good prospects. Over the last decade, scholars in Japan, Korea, Germany, the United States, Taiwan and other countries and regions in the γ-PGA biosynthesis and application has carried out a lot of research, But not domestic industrial production. Therefore, we need to study how efficient, simple, stable production.

In this paper, respectively six different fluidized bed filler, filler loading capacity affect the fermentation performance feedback and fed glucose compared with DO-stat fed - batch fermentation under γ-PGA as the research object, γ-PGA to improve yields and reduce costs for the purpose, design and optimization of the production of γ-PGA process. The results were judged by the type of fluidized bed packing, packing and loading amount of glucose fed with feedback DO-stat fed - batch fermentation under the influence of γ-PGA.

The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) was introduced into the fermentation process of γ-PGA. Firstly, the suitable materials for the cell growth and γ-PGA production was screened, and the maximum production of γ-PGA and the dry weight of the cells reached 37.6 0.34 g/L and 6.65 0.24 g/L with the application of TL-2; these results were improved by 18.6% and 25% compared with the control; The loading capacity of TL-2 in 7.5 L fermentation tank was investigated, and the results were not consistent with the shake flasks, which might be greatly affected by the baffle and mixing blades; By adding glucose to stimulate γ-PGA accumulation, the final production was reached 67.4 0.38 g/L, and this MBBR system was stable during the repeated batch fermentation process; Thus, the substrate mixing, energy transfer, and dissolved oxygen characteristics between the two tanks were analyzed and compared by (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) numerical simulation, indicating that gas-liquid flow more quickly, substance and energy exchange more fully in the MBBR, which facilitated the γ-PGA fermentation;

Key Words: γ-PGA; MBBR; Biomacromolecule

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract 2

第一章 文献综述 4

1.1 γ-PGA研究背景 4

1.2 γ-PGA的结构特性 4

1.3 γ-PGA的应用 5

1.4 γ-PGA的合成研究 5

1.5 量产γ-PGA的技术问题 10

1.5.1 量产γ-PGA的技术问题 10

1.5.2 量产γ-PGA的设备问题 11

1.6 MBBR的技术研究与进展 11

1.7 本论文的研究意义和内容 13

第二章 材料和方法 14

2.1 实验菌种 14

2.2 培养基 14

2.3 培养条件 14

2.4流化床填料筛选 14

2.5分析方法 15

第三章 实验结果与分析 16

3.1不同流化床填料对γ-PGA发酵性能的影响 16

3.2流化床填料装量对γ-PGA发酵性能的影响 17

3.3 DO-stat流加补料策略控制γ-PGA发酵过程及其优势分析 18

3.4 基于DO-stat流加补料重复批次发酵和菌株的适应性训化 21

小结 22

第四章 结论与展望 23

4.1结论 23

4.2展望 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

第一章 文献综述

1.1 γ-PGA研究背景


1.2 γ-PGA的结构特性

γ-多聚谷氨酸(Poly-γ-glutamic acid,γ-PGA)是一种由芽孢杆菌类大量生物合成的高分子氨基酸聚合物。最初由Ivanovics等人首次在炭疽芽孢杆菌的荚膜中发现γ-PGA,1942年Bovarnick等人发现有些芽孢杆菌属细菌能通过发酵培养积累γ-PGA[1]。随后,人们发现多种芽孢杆菌如枯草芽孢杆菌、地衣芽孢杆菌、炭疽芽孢杆菌等都能在胞外产生γ-PGA[2]

多聚谷氨酸(以下简称γ-PGA)是由L-谷氨酸和L-谷氨酸或D-谷氨酸单体之间通过α氨基和γ 羧基形成肽键之后生成的聚酰胺[3-4],其分子式如下:

1.3 γ-PGA的应用



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