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 2022-03-21 20:39:00  


摘 要



“应我校园”由三个子系统组成:分类标签系统、校园社交平台和校园公众平台。本文主要对分类标签系统模块的设计和开发进行了详细的阐述。同时,针对与标签相关模块实现过程中使用到的关键技术进行了深入的分析和探讨。本文首先分析了标签在相关领域中已有的研究结果和标签系统在各大网站的应用。然后介绍了开发标签系统的相关技术、需求分析和标签系统的主要模块划分。 最后介绍了每个模块的具体实现和核心算法。本文根据标签的特性,建立了一种基于校园社交平台的标签体系,并设计了一套分类标签系统。通过标签,挖掘用户兴趣并对信息进行过滤。运用推荐算法结合分类标签系统,本文提出了一种基于标签的推荐算法,为人们在飞速增长的信息中快速准确地检索到所感兴趣信息提供了一种新的可能。

关键词:分类标签 个性化推荐 管理系统 兴趣社交平台

The Design and Implementation of the Classification Tagging System on the Campus Requirement Connection Platform


With the development of the mobile phone network and the popularity of smart phones, social media users gradually migrate from the traditional PC to the mobile terminal side. As the main user group of mobile terminal social, college students have a distinct sense of self, a strong expression of desire and social needs. Not satisfied with the social connections solely relying on the "strong relationship", they prefer to form the social connections relying on interest-based "weak relationship" in the university campus, to find like-minded friends. After conducting a detailed market survey and requirement analysis, our team finally build the campus demand connection platform "yingwo campus", having Android and iOS version, entering into trial operation and on shelves in the major application store.

"yingwo campus" positions itself as a "topic of interest community for college students ".Students can be more accurate to find people with common interests on campus, kept informed of interesting information, discuss topics of interest together. Through "yingwo campus", student organizations and associations can be more accurate to push premium content, launch a variety of campus activities, interact with the students focusing on a common topic on campus and enhance publicity, recruiting and operational efficiency.

"yingwo campus" is made up of three subsystems: classification tagging system, campus social platform and campus public platform. This paper mainly describes the design and development of the classification tagging system module. At the same time, the key technologies used in the implementation process of the tag related modules are analyzed and discussed. In this paper, we first analyze the existing research results of tags in the relevant fields and the application of the tagging system in the major web sites. Then, the paper introduces the main modules of the tagging system, requirement analysis and the related technology of developing the tagging system. At last, the implementation of each module and the core algorithm are introduced. According to the characteristics of tags, the paper establishes a tagging system based on the campus social platform, and designs a set of classification tagging system. Through the tagging, we can mining user interest and filter the information. Using the recommendation algorithm combined with the classification tagging system, this paper presents a recommendation algorithm based on tagging, which provides a new possibility for people to quickly and accurately retrieve the interesting information in the rapid growth of the information.

Keywords: Classification Tagging; Personalized Recommendation; Management System; Interest Social Platform

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.1.1 标签概述 1

1.1.2标签系统的用处 1

1.1.3 校园需求连接平台概述 2

1.2 系统开发的意义 2

1.2.1 开发目的 2

1.2.2 校园需求连接平台中分类标签系统的用途 3

1.3 论文的结构安排 3

1.4 本章小结 4

第二章 校园需求连接平台中分类标签系统开发相关技术的介绍 5

2.1 JQuery EasyUI的介绍 5

2.2 Spring MVC MyBatis介绍 5

2.3 AngularJS介绍 5

2.4 ThinkPHP介绍 5

2.5 搜索引擎中的同义词识别算法 6

2.6推荐算法介绍 6

2.6.1基于内容的推荐算法 6

2.6.2协同过滤推荐算法 6

2.7兴趣图谱算法 7

2.8本章小结 7

第三章 系统分析 8

3.1可行性分析 8

3.2系统开发平台 8

3.3系统功能需求 9

3.3.1 超级管理员 10

3.3.2 标签管理员 11

3.3.3 系统管理员 12

3.3.4 平台管理员 13

3.3.5 用户 14

3.4 本章小结 15

第四章 总体设计 16

4.1 系统总体框架 16

4.2 系统操作流程图 16

4.2.1管理员 16

4.2.2用户 17

4.3 数据库分析 17

4.4 数据库表设计 23

4.5本章小结 28

第五章 详细设计与实现 29

5.1登录模块 29

5.2超级管理员模块 30

5.3标签管理员模块 31

5.3.1标签管理 31

5.3.2自定义标签管理 37

5.3.3首页推荐话题管理 38

5.4系统管理员模块 40

5.4.1用户管理 40

5.4.2角色管理和组织管理 40

5.4.3菜单管理 40

5.4.4角色授权和菜单授权 40

5.5平台管理员模块 41

5.5.1会员管理 41

5.5.2贴子管理和贴子回复管理 41

5.5.3机构管理 41

5.5.4活动管理 41

5.6用户模块 42

5.6.1标签导航 42

5.6.2标签搜索 42

5.6.3标签智能推荐 44

5.6.4基于分类标签系统的信息流推荐 44

5.7本章小结 45

第六章 总结与展望 46

参考文献 47

致谢 48

第一章 引言


1.1.1 标签概述


标签可以是单独的词,也可以是短语。标签本质上是关于资源的元数据(metadata)。根据美国国家信息标准组织(National Information Standards Organization,NISO)的定义,元数据是“用来解释、描述、定位某个信息源,或者使其易于获取、管理或使用的结构化信息”。换言之,标签是“关于信息的信息”, 是人们用来追溯、分享和寻找信息的工具。




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