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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-03-05 22:03:31  


摘 要


关键词:中俄双边经贸 欧美经济制裁 乌克兰危机 解决对策

A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Sino - Russian Economic and Trade Development


With the continuous development of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the trade between the two sides increasingly frequent. After the Ukrainian crisis, Russia and Europe and the United States and other Western countries, the basic breakdown of the relationship. Europe and the United States and other Western countries to Russia sanctions against Russia and Russia also continue to staged in the international arena. In order to alleviate the negative impact of Western countries such as Europe and the United States on Russia's economic sanctions, the Russian government decided to shift its focus to Asia. At the present stage, the trend of bilateral economic and trade cooperation has gradually taken the right track. The two countries have become more and more coordinated in the trade structure. The scale and area of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation are also expanding. At present, the economic and trade activities between China and Russia not only faced with opportunities, but also encountered great challenges. The main contents of this paper are as follows: To understand the current situation of foreign trade in China and Russia;to understand the development of economic and trade between China and Russia status ;analysis of Sino-Russian trade between the existing problems;to explore how to solve the Sino-Russian bilateral trade problems, promote the common development of China and Russia's economy, and put forward a solution strategy.

Key words: Sino - Russian trade; European and American economic sanctions; Ukrainian crisis; solutions

目 录

摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2研究内容 2

1.3研究方法 2

第二章 中俄对外贸易及中俄双边经贸发展现状 4

2.1中国对外贸易发展现状 4

2.2俄罗斯对外贸易发展现状 4

2.3中俄双边经贸发展现状 5

2.3.1中俄双边经贸“一带一路”战略性合作发展现状 6

2.3.2中俄双边合作取得突破性进展 7

2.3.3双边贸易往来加强 8

2.3.4欧美经济制裁对中俄双边经贸发展的影响 9

2.4大学生对待中俄贸易往来的看法 9

2.4.1 大学生对待中俄贸易往来的看法 10

2.4.2 大学生对于中俄贸易问题及问题解决对策的看法 10

第三章 中俄经贸发展中存在的问题 12

3.1中俄之间的贸易结构不合理 12

3.2俄罗斯对外贸易政策多变 12

3.3俄罗斯对中国存在较高的贸易壁垒 13

3.3.1 俄贸易壁垒给中国对俄出口造成的影响 13

3.3.2 俄贸易壁垒给中国对俄出口带来的机遇 13

3.4欧美等西方国家的经济制裁困扰中俄经贸往来 14

3.4.1中国对俄出口的变化 14

3.4.2欧美制裁影响中俄经贸往来 15

3.5对俄投资风险加大 16

第四章 中俄经贸发展问题的解决对策 17

4.1优化中俄双边贸易结构 17

4.2中俄之间应建立完善的清关以及贸易服务机制 17

4.3提高信誉质量以削弱俄对我国进出口产品的贸易壁垒 18

4.4推进人民币兑卢布结算机制 18

4.5推进中俄丝绸之路经济带的建设 19

结语 20

参考文献 21

附录1 22

调查问卷:大学生对待中俄贸易往来的看法 22

调查结果:大学生对待中俄贸易往来的看法 22

附录2 23

调查问卷: 大学生对于中俄贸易问题及问题解决对策的看法 23

调查结果:大学生对于中俄贸易问题及问题解决对策的看法 24


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