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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-03-04 20:58:58  


摘 要



关键词:南京大学生 自主创业 现状 对策

The Present Situation And Countermeasures of College Students' Entrepreneurship in Nanjing


College students are important intellectuals in China. They are also indispensable for the development of the country. Whether college students can realize full employment after graduation is not only a personal problem, but also a reflection of the problems in social and economic development. Nanjing, as the capital city of Jiangsu Province, studies the independent entrepreneurship of Nanjing University, which is of great significance to the study of the status quo of college students' independent entrepreneurship.

This article is mainly from the perspective of economics and psychology, respectively, from the university, government, parents and other aspects of the impact of college students on the impact of the main factors, and for the current problems of the corresponding solutions. The whole thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter explains the background of the topic, the purpose of the study and its significance, combing the literature review at home and abroad, and sorting out the basic methods of research. The second chapter first clarifies the entrepreneurial, entrepreneur and entrepreneurial meaning of entrepreneurship, in the form of questionnaire survey of Nanjing University students entrepreneurial status analysis and summary. The third chapter starts from five aspects to write the factors that affect the students' independent entrepreneurship, and elaborated separately. The fourth chapter from the government, universities, families, four points of their own to find ways to promote the autonomy of college students, for the existing problems to propose solutions.

Key Words: Nanjing college students; independent entrepreneurship; status countermeasures

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 文献综述 2

1.4 研究方法和框架 3

第二章 南京大学生创业发展的现状 5

2.1 创业及相关概念 5

2.1.1 创业 5

2.1.2 大学生创业 5

2.2 南京大学生创业现状的调查结果 5

第三章 大学生创业的影响因素 8

3.1 大学生的创业素质 8

3.2 大学生的家庭因素 8

3.3 高校的培养与引导 9

3.4 政府扶植与支持 10

3.5 创业文化 11

第四章 促进我国大学生创业的对策 13

4.1 政府落实创业政策,鼓励大学生创业 13

4.1.1 加强政策软环境创办,制造创业气氛 13

4.1.2 落实相关融资政策,开发融资新方式 13

4.2 高校要加强创业教育,推动大学生创业 14

4.2.1 对创业教育的课程进行完善 14

4.2.2 转变创业教育的模式,完善创业教育体系 14

4.2.3 强化创业教育的师资力量 14

4.2.4 建立针对大学生创业教育的服务模式 15

4.3 社会要塑造创业文化, 鼓励大学生积极创业 15

4.3.1 建立信息透明体制 15

4.3.2 尽快实现信用法规的建立与实施 15

4.3.3 加快信用中介服务行业的现代化发展 16

4.3.4 信用是人民道德品质的最基本组成之一 16

4.4 大学生要提高自身创业素质,提升创业成功率 16

4.4.1 制定创业的理想和目标 16

4.4.2 从创业实践中吸取经验教训 16

4.4.3 创业过程中稳定创业心态 16

4.4.4 做好知识储备,不断提升自身能力 17

结语 18

参考文献 19

附录 21


第一章 绪论


1.1 选题背景


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