2022-03-01 20:25:21
摘 要
关键词:中国 美国 经贸关系 贸易发展
A Study on Sino - US Economic and Trade Relations
July 1979, with China and the United States signed the "Sino-US Trade Relations Agreement", the two countries economic and trade exchanges to break the state of ice, Sino-US economic and trade relations to achieve normalization, and has maintained a strong momentum of development For everyone's mutual benefit, China has adopted a policy of opening to the outside world, while the United States is more dependent on the Chinese market. Leadership between China and the United States has maintained a tradition of mutual visits in recent years, with the aim of consolidating relations between the two countries and promoting development. But the development of economic and trade is also a double-edged sword, a variety of trade friction problems also followed, these problems greatly affected the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations. China and the United States two world powers on the world economic arena has a crucial impact.
This paper describes the process of trade development since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the two countries trade interdependence and relatively independent, by analyzing the objective situation of the two countries and the world factors, to find the two countries to facilitate the development of the road. Recognize the mainstream of the current world development, from the fundamental interests of China and the United States to start, to avoid and solve the friction. An objective view of history, for the two peoples to create greater benefits.
Key Words: China;America;Economic and trade relations;Trade development
目 录
摘 要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 两国经济发展的历程 2
1.2.1 1979年至1991年 2
1.2.2 1992年至2001年 2
1.2.3 2002年至今 3
第二章 中美经贸关系发展的现状 4
2.1 中美经贸迅速发展 4
2.2中美两国经贸关系互补性强 5
2.3中美两国经贸关系摩擦多 7
2.4 中美经贸关系潜力巨大 8
第三章 影响中美经贸关系发展的因素 10
3.1推动中美经贸关系发展的积极因素 10
3.2影响中美经贸关系的消极因素 11
第四章 中美经贸关系发展的建议 13
4.2美方应采取的措施........................................................................................................14参考文献 15
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 两国经济发展的历程
1.2.1 1979年至1991年
中美两国的贸易额一直在稳固的发展阶段。当时的中国经济发展极为落后,所以一直处于货物贸易逆差地位。当时的世界格局还处在以美苏为首的冷战当中,中国实行全面推动改革开放的政策为中国走向世界铺垫了道路。 尼克松访华后签订的《中美贸易协定》对双方来说都是百利而无一害,冷战在一定程度上很大的影响了中国的发展,也限制了美国与世界各国的经贸发展。但在中美破冰之后,这一情况大大好转。虽然破冰之后两国贸易往来有了许多改变,但中途中国发生了文革事件,直接导致了中美之间贸易往来的扩大。1988年后,这一现象才有所改变。贸易额直接超过了100亿美元。但在80年代初期,里根总统上台,实行了一些新的政策,做出了一些违反中美三个联合公报的举动。正是此举影响了中美政治关系,也在一定程度上使得中美之间的贸易变得低迷。