2022-02-28 20:56:35
摘 要
This topic design subject culture derivative product design for the home Longchi mountain Chengguang temple, according to legend in Longchi mountain salamander dragon image of image hint design, according to certain morphological evolution as the main auxiliary image of tea. In order to ensure the whole series of works related with mountain pool under the premise of the mountain pool surrounding terrain evolution back into fragrant incense. The flower is combined with Zen temple. This paper on the existing market of all kinds of flower tea, incense, analyzing and summarizing,, considering the feasibility of the scheme, determine the final plan, using the method of computer aided design, 3D modeling, structure design, drawings for design work, in order to verify the design of science and rationality. Finally, according to the selected program, structural analysis, material and process analysis, human-computer interaction interface analysis, etc., to further improve the program.
Key words: design; cultural derivative products; human computer interaction interface; materials and processes
目 录
第一章 产品调研………………………………………………… 1
1.1 市场调研…………………………………………………………………1
1.1.1 市场背景调研……………………………………………………1
1.1.2 国内文创产品层次分析…………………………………………2
1.1.3 国外现有文创产品分析…………………………………………3
1.1.4 小结………………………………………………………………6
1.2 澄光禅寺历史文化背景…………………………………………………6
1.2.1 澄光禅寺的历史背景……………………………………………6
1.2.2 澄光禅寺的构成…………………………………………………6
1.2.3 传说………………………………………………………………8
1.3 用户调研…………………………………………………………………9
1.3.1 问卷分析…………………………………………………………9
1.3.2 小结………………………………………………………………13
1.4 造型规律和色彩调研……………………………………………………13
1.4.1 形态演变分析……………………………………………………13
1.4.2 色彩搭配调研……………………………………………………18
1.4.3 小结………………………………………………………………20
1.5 产品设计定位……………………………………………………………20
第二章 产品方案设计………………………………………………21
2.1 草图方案构思……………………………………………………………21
2.2 选定方案分析……………………………………………………………21
- 标识与包装设计……………………………………………25
3.1 辅助图形设计……………………………………………………………25
3.2 名字选定…………………………………………………………………25
3.3 标识设计…………………………………………………………………25
3.4 包装设计…………………………………………………………………27
第四章 材料与工艺…………………………………………………29
4.1 材料分析…………………………………………………………………29
4.2 工艺制作方法……………………………………………………………30
第五章 人机交互设计………………………………………………33
5.1 把手人机设计……………………………………………………………33
5.2 壶嘴人机设计……………………………………………………………33
第六章 产品价值成本核算…………………………………………35
6.1 产品价值的构成…………………………………………………………35
6.2 产品人文价值析…………………………………………………………35
6.3 产品经济价值析…………………………………………………………35
第七章 产品最终效果图……………………………………………37
7.1 计算机效果图表现………………………………………………………37
7.2 尺寸图……………………………………………………………………38
7.3 配色方案…………………………………………………………………42
7.4 产品场景图………………………………………………………………42