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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-02-17 21:19:51  


摘 要

随着世界经济和互联网的不断发展,跨境电子商务应运而生,主要表现在“互联网 外贸”这种形式中。在中国,外贸经济中的结构在发生变化,传统进出口贸易不断减少,跨境电子商务不断发展壮大。传统对外贸易经营方式中,企业和消费者没有建立直接的联系和交易,然而跨境电子商务不同。从微观层面看,跨境电商让企业准确掌握市场供需情况及时调整生产布局,提高产品质量。从宏观层面来看,跨境电商提高我国对外贸易整体水平,促进了对外贸易的发展。本文分别通过对我国传统外贸发展现状和对我国跨境电商的发展现状进行分析,结合我国传统外贸和跨境电商在发展过程中各自存在的问题进行探究,从跨境电商对传统外贸的增长的带动机制角度论述跨境电商对传统外贸的影响,并在此基础上针对跨境电商环境下的外贸发展的问题提供一些建议。

关键词:跨境电子商务 传统外贸企业 影响 竞争力

Analysis on the Influence of Cross-border E-commerce on Traditional Trade in China


The cross-border electricity supplier is a product of the Internet era and the embodiment of the "Internet plus foreign trade". With the rapid growth of cross-border electricity suppliers, e-commerce in China's import and export trade, the proportion will become more and more potential for industrial development. Cross-border electricity suppliers are conducive to the transformation and upgrading of traditional foreign trade enterprises, to maintain stable growth of China's foreign trade has far-reaching significance. Vigorously developing cross-border electricity suppliers can help to improve the profitability of foreign trade enterprises. With the further penetration of e-commerce channels, they can make the final consumption enterprises and build a more smooth information exchange platform, for enterprises to grasp the market demand, adjust product structure, improve product quality, set up the product brand, establish electronic business credit system, and enhance the overall competitiveness of China's foreign trade, which plays an important role in the stable growth of foreign trade.Based on the analysis of current development of cross-border electricity supplier in our country and traditional foreign trade, cross-border electricity supplier in China and combined with their traditional foreign trade problems in the development process to explore, discuss the influence of the traditional foreign trade, cross-border electricity from the angle of drive mechanism of cross-border electricity supplier on traditional foreign trade growth, and on this basis to solve these problems put forward the corresponding solution, and to provide some suggestions for the development of cross-border electricity supplier in China.

Key words: Cross-border Electricity Supplier;Traditional Foreign;Influence;Competitive Power

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 我国传统外贸的发展现状及问题分析 1

1.1我国传统外贸的发展现状 1

1.2传统外贸发展存在的问题 2

1.2.1低成本优势逐渐丧失,国际竞争力减弱 2

1.2.2技术和品牌效应缺乏,利润空间下降 2

1.2.3企业转型升级压力较大,部分转移海外 3

第二章 我国跨境电子商务发展的现状及问题分析 4

2.1我国跨境电商发展的现状 4

2.2跨境电商发展存在的问题 5

2.2.1跨境电商法律规范缺乏 5

2.2.2跨境通关程序繁琐 6

2.2.3信用支付体系缺失 6

2.2.4物流成本较高 6

第三章 跨境电子商务对传统外贸发展的影响分析 8

3.1跨境电商对传统外贸的成本降低作用 8

3.1.1降低了客户发现和价格搜寻成本 8

3.1.2节省了企业融资和风险防范费用 8

3.2跨境电商对传统外贸转型升级的作用 9

3.2.1缩短国际贸易的链条,提高企业利润 9

3.2.2催生新的商业模式和市场参与者 9

3.2.3促使客户驱动模式和反馈创新浪潮的形成 10

第四章 跨境电子商务环境下我国外贸发展的对策研究 11

4.1政府角度 11

4.1.1完善跨境电商相关法律 11

4.1.2健全电商信用支付体系 11

4.1.3加强跨境电商基础设施建设 11

4.1.4加快跨境电商企业通关便利化 11

4.2企业角度 12

4.2.1提高企业跨境物流能力 12

4.2.2注重创新和品牌建设 12

4.2.3加强创新人才培养 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

第一章 我国传统外贸的发展现状及问题分析



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