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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 生物工程 > 正文


 2022-01-28 22:01:21  


摘 要




关键词:植物激素 裂殖壶菌 DHA 温度 限氮 渗透压

Study on effect of plant hormone on cell growth and oil accumulation of schizochytrium


DHA is a kind of high-value-added polyunsaturated fatty acid. The traditional production process is affected by many factors and DHA cannot be obtained with stable yield. At present, DHA is mainly produced by fermentation of Schizochytrium, but due to the immature fermentation technology, the output of DHA cannot meet people's needs and the production of DHA should be further improved. In this paper, Schizochytrium was used as a fermentation bacterium, with different concentrations of ABA and NAA as variables, supplemented by low-temperature, high-osmotic, and nitrogen-limited conditions, through experiments to explore plant hormones and various conditions on the growth of Schizochytrium cells. Effect of oil production.

Analytical data showed that both ABA and NAA promoted Schizochytrium cell growth and increased oil production, but ABA increased DHA content, while NAA decreased DHA content. Under low temperature and hyperosmotic conditions, the biomass of Schizochytrium increased, while the oil yield and DHA content decreased. Under nitrogen-limited conditions, the biomass of Schizochytrium was reduced, while both oil production and DHA content increased.

Comprehensive analysis, suitable concentrations of ABA and NAA are conducive to production of DHA from Schizochytrium, for low temperature, high permeability, nitrogen-limited conditions, adding ABA and NAA can increase the amount of biomass and total DHA. In the above conditions, only limited nitrogen is suitable for DHA production by Schizochytrium, and addition of an appropriate concentration of ABA has higher DHA yield relative to NAA.

Key words: plant hormone; Schizochytrium; DHA; temperature; nitrogen limiting;osmotic pressure

目 录

摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 裂殖壶菌概述 1

1.3 植物激素概述 2

1.3.1植物激素简介 2

1.3.2植物激素的作用 2

1.3.3 使用植物激素的优势 3

1.4 裂殖壶菌发酵的影响因素 4

1.4.1 氨氮限制 4

1.4.2 温度 4

1.4.3 渗透压 4

1.5论文研究意义、内容及路线 5

1.5.1 研究意义及目的 5

1.5.2 研究内容 5

1.5.3 实验路径 6

第二章 实验部分 7

2.1 实验培养基及仪器 7

2.1.1培养基 7

2.1.2 实验仪器 8

2.1.3 实验菌种保存与保菌 8

2.2 实验方法 8

2.2.1 实验装置 8

2.2.2 种子的培养 9

2.2.3 发酵的培养 9

2.3 数据测定方法 9

2.3.1 葡萄糖的测定 9

2.3.2 生物量的测定 10

2.3.3 脂质提取 10

2.3.4 甲酯化 10

2.3.5 气相分析 11

第三章 结果与讨论 12

3.1脱落酸浓度阶梯对裂殖壶菌产油脂的影响 12

3.2 10mg/LABA在不同条件下对裂殖壶菌生长及产油的影响 13

3.3 脱落酸浓度阶梯对裂殖壶菌产油脂的影响 15

3.4 7mg/LNAA在不同条件下对裂殖壶菌生长及产油的影响 18

3.5 ABA、NAA独立与共同对于裂殖壶菌产油脂的影响 20

第四章 结论与展望 23

4.1 结论 23

4.2 展望 24

参考文献 26

致谢 29

  1. 文献综述

1.1 研究背景

二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,简称DHA)是ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸家庭的重要一员,对于脑细胞的生长发育,血压血糖血脂的降低,视力与抵抗力的增强,癌症等多种疾病的预防都有重要的作用,被称为21世纪的保健之王之一,受到了各国的高度重视[1]。同时DHA对婴幼儿智力与视力提高有着不可估量的影响,因为其是大脑与视网膜的重要构成物质,由此可以看出其具有的独一无二的经济价值。传统工艺提取DHA只要是从深海鱼油中提取,但是从深海鱼油中提取DHA受鱼的种类、季节和所在海域等多种因素影响而起伏较大,直接导致DHA的总量有限,从而使DHA的成本价格升高[2]。并且近几年的禁渔期也使原料深海鱼油来源日渐减少,使DHA这种高附加价值难以在多个行业中发挥其重要作用。


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