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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-01-16 20:58:44  


摘 要



关键词:精准扶贫 对象识别 识别偏差 信息不对称

Difficulties and Countermeasures of Accurate Poverty Alleviation Recognition from the Perspective of Information Asymmetry


The basic and most important problem in precise poverty alleviation is the identification of poverty alleviation objects. However, in the critical period of poverty alleviation, there are still serious deviations in the accurate identification of the target, which are caused by both objective factors and human factors. This paper considers that information asymmetry is the main reason for the "crux" and contradiction of the identification deviation. Based on this, the dilemma and countermeasures of the identification deviation of the target of precise poverty alleviation are analyzed.

This paper mainly uses literature analysis, case analysis and normative analysis to analyze and discuss from the perspective of information asymmetry theory and game theory, and refers to the five-level stratification method of other scholars. It summarizes the main participants in poverty alleviation work into three levels, namely, government, grass-roots poverty alleviation units and the people who have been alleviated. From the horizontal and vertical angles, the paper analyses the manifestation and function mode of information asymmetry in the accurate identification between the three, and demonstrates it by establishing game model and a large number of cases. Finally, specific policy recommendations are put forward for the root causes of information asymmetry in each link.

Key Words:Accurate Poverty Alleviation; Object Recognition; Identification Bias; Information Asymmetry

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ

英文摘要 Ⅱ

引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 3

(三)研究思路 4

(四)研究方法 4

一、概念界定和理论阐述 5

(一)概念界定 5

1.精准识别 5

2.识别困境 5

3.扶贫参与者 5

(二)理论阐述 6

1.信息不对称理论 6

2.博弈论 7

3.协同治理理论 8

二、精准扶贫对象识别偏差成因探究 9

(一)识别偏差客观因素分析 9

1.识别方法简陋且识别成本过大 9

2.扶贫资源有限且空间分配不均 10

3.村庄空心化和人口流动性 11

(二)识别偏差人为因素分析 12

1.基层层面 12

2.农户层面 12

(三)信息不对称——识别偏差的“症结” 12

三、精准识别偏差的宏观信息不对称 14

(一)政府和基层扶贫单位的委托——代理模型 15

(二)政府和基层扶贫单位混合策略博弈模型 16

1.混合策略博弈模型的基本条件 16

2.混合策略博弈分析 16

3.纳什均衡解的实际意义和启示 17

(三)基层扶贫单位间演化博弈模型 17

1.横向不完全信息影响精准识别 17

2.不完全信息演化博弈分析 18

3.进化稳定策略(ESS)分析 19

四、精准识别偏差的微观信息不对称 22

(一)基层扶贫者处于信息优势方 22

1.扶贫者道德风险 22

2.信号传递和信号甄别机制的失灵 24

3.代理人失职原因探究 25

(二)被扶贫者处于信息优势方 26

1.非贫困户处于信息优势方 26

2.贫困户处于信息优势方 29

3.边缘贫困户和非贫困户之间的互相驱逐 29

五、精准识别偏差信息不对称的破解途径 31

(一)宏观层面信息不对称破解途径 31

1.政府信号甄别,基层单位信号传递 31

2.增强基层扶贫单位交流,形成协同治理效应 31

(二)微观层面信息不对称破解途径 32

1.发挥第三方公平性,多元主体协同识别 32

2.建立信息传递通道,设置巡查和投诉机制 33

3.引入大数据识别技术,消除成本阻碍 34

结束语 34

参考文献 36

致谢 39


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