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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-14 21:06:03  


摘 要




Research on the New Citizens’ Community Education


As the urbanization process continues, the number of new citizen communities is growing. The new citizen community is the carrier of farmers' urbanization and a transitional place for farmers to integrate into the city. The construction of new citizen communities has increasingly become the focus of urban management and social work. However, due to the characteristics of the new citizens themselves and the problems in the management of the new citizen community, there are many difficulties in the governance of the new citizen community. Faced with this situation, this paper attempts to solve the problems in the new citizen community governance from the perspective of community education.

This thesis takes the typical new citizen community S as a case with the literature research method,induction analysis method and case analysis method. This paper analyzes the current governance situation of the new citizen community. S community governance is conducted in an administrative way with neighborhood committees as the main body. The main problems in the process of governance are the ambiguity of the role of the new citizen , the uneven quality of the overall quality, the indifference of the rights to exercise etc. and the problems of the new citizen community are poor community cohesion, community sense of belonging is not strong, community emotions are weak etc. In view of the above dilemmas, this paper attempts to use the method of community education intervention to apply the multiple functions of community education to community governance, and to improve the quality culture and legal awareness of the new citizen's own level. Carry out community education, reshape the concept system of the elites and the public of the new citizen community, promote the cultural identity to community identity, and build a multi-subject cultivation system to solve the governance dilemma at the new citizen community level.

Key Words: new citizens; community education; community governance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)文献回顾 2

(三)核心概念界定 3

1.社区教育 3

2.新市民 4

(四)研究方法 4

1.文献研究法 4

2.归纳分析法 4

3.案例分析法 4

二、新市民社区及其治理现状——基于S新村社区的考察 5

(一)新市民社区 5

(二)新市民社区的主要特征 5

1.社区成员的过渡性 5

2.社区秩序的混乱性 6

3.社区居民的混合性 6

4.社区历史的短时性 6

(三)新市民社区的治理现状 7

1.治理模式 7

2.工作方式 7

3.治理效果 8

三、新市民社区的治理困境 10

(一)新市民自身层面的治理困境 10

1.新市民的角色认同:模糊不清 10

2.新市民的综合素质:参差不齐 10

3.新市民的权利行使:意识淡漠 11

4.新市民的旧时观念:不易改变 11

5.新市民的日常行为:乡村延续 12

6.新市民的文化生活:陈旧单调 12

(二)新市民社区层面的治理困境 12

1.社区凝聚:亟待加强 12

2.社区归属:正在形成 12

3.社区情感:迅速式微 13

4.阶层结构:多元差异 13

5.社区服务:缺乏供给 13

6.社区治理:行政化重 14

(三)小结 14

四、社区教育的介入:新市民社区治理困境的突破 15

(一)社区教育的多元功能 15

1.社区教育的社区政治功能 15

2.社区教育的社区文化功能 15

3.社区教育的社区整合功能 15

(二)社区教育在新市民自身层面的介入 16

1.以文化教育为先导 转变观念意识 16

2.以技能教育为核心 提高生存能力 16

3.以法律教育为保障 增强权利意识 17

4.以社区教育为途径 丰富文化生活 17

(三)社区教育在新市民社区层面的介入 17

1.社区凝聚:重塑凝聚新市民社区居民的观念系统 17

2.社区归属:推进从文化建设走向新市民社区归属 18

3.阶层结构:构建新市民社区多元主体培育体系 18

4.服务供给:优化新市民社区教育供给方式 19

5.社区发展:加强新市民社区人才队伍建设 19

6.社区治理:创新社区文化软治理的新路向 20

五、结语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25









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