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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-14 20:11:55  


摘 要



关键词:社会组织 自律 行业自律

Research on social organization self-discipline


With the rapid development of China's social economy, the role of social organizations is increasingly highlighted. In the context of promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, it is of great practical significance to strengthen the construction of self-discipline mechanism of social organizations in China, give play to the important role of social organizations in social governance, and provide better social services for the society.

This paper is divided into four parts. The first part: expound the concept of social organization self-discipline emphatically. The second part: summarize the development course and overall situation of social organization self-discipline in China, and take the Red Cross society of China as a typical case analysis. The third part: from the organization member individual self-discipline deficiency, the society organization internal self-discipline unreasonable and the society organization profession self-discipline development insufficient three aspects analysis our country society organization self-discipline existence question. Part four: on the basis of the first three parts, this paper proposes the strategies for the construction of the self-discipline system of social organizations from three aspects: attaching importance to the self-discipline of individual members of organizations, strengthening the construction of self-discipline within social organizations and regulating the self-discipline of social organizations.

Key Words: Social organization; Self-discipline;Industry; Self-discipline

目 录

摘 要 I

英文摘要 II

一、社会组织自律的概念与必要性 1

(一)社会组织自律的概念 1

(二)社会组织自律的必要性 2

1.参与社会治理服务的必然要求 2

2.满足自身良性发展的客观需要 2

3.提高组织公信力的必然要求 2

4.规范社会组织行为的客观需要 3

二、社会组织自律的现状 4

(一)社会组织自律的发展历程 4

1.对政府组织机构的模仿 4

2.对国外先进经验的学习 4

3.对社会组织制度化方面的法律法规建设 5

4.对社会组织自律制度的主动探索 5

(二)社会组织自律发展的总体状况 5

(三)社会组织自律的典型案例——以中国红十字会为例 6

1.优化组织结构 6

2.完善议事决策机制 6

3.重视人才对组织自律的影响 6

三、社会组织自律的困境 8

(一)组织成员个人自律的缺失 8

1.缺乏使命激励 8

2.忽视个人自律的重要性 9

(二)社会组织内部自律的不合理 9

1.组织内部结构不健全,缺乏合理性 9

2.缺乏完善的规章制度或有规章制度却缺乏重视执行不力 10

3.自律制度执行过程中面临实质性困难,效果较差 10

4.忽视高素质人才对于自律制度建设的重要性 11

(三)社会组织行业自律发展的不充分、不规范 11

1.有关社会组织行业自律的法律法规尚未完善 11

2.社会组织行业自律贯彻执行困难 12

四、强化社会组织自律的策略 13

(一)重视组织成员个人自律 13

1.成员以使命激励自己,组织以奖励维持荣誉 13

2.提高个人自律意识,增强个人专业素质 13

(二)加强社会组织内部自律建设 14

1.健全内部自律机制,建立理事会 14

2.加强社会组织内部规章制度建设和执行力度 14

3.健全社会组织的人才管理制度 14

(三)规范社会组织行业自律 15

1.加强社会组织行业自律的法律法规建设 15

2.加强行业自律的规范性 15

参考文献 17

致谢 19


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