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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-12 21:22:36  


摘 要


关键词:政务微博 信息公开 政务服务 电子政务

Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures:

Research on Government Weibo


Since its inception in 2009, the government microblog has become one of the most mature platforms in government new media after a long period of development. In the face of an increasingly complex new media environment, how should the government correctly use the government microblog to provide better public service for the public and create a service-oriented government. This will remain an important issue for some time to come. Based on the relevant reports issued by the government, this paper summarizes the development status of China's government microblogs with the previous research results of government microblogs (mainly in the literature), and analyzes the government microblogs to open to the Chinese government. The positive role of government information, government-civilian interaction, and shaping the government's good image, and pointed out that there are still problems such as “zombie account number”, lack of interaction, lack of innovation, and corresponding reasons. Finally, from the government, Weibo platform and the public level respectively. The corresponding countermeasures are proposed to promote the benign operation of government microblog and contribute to the construction of a service-oriented government.

Keywords:Government microblog; Information disclosure; Government service;Electronic government

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

  1. 绪论 1
  2. 研究背景和研究意义 1
  3. 研究背景 1
  4. 研究意义 1
  5. 文献综述 2
  6. 相关概念界定 2
  7. 关于我国政务微博发展现状及其应用的研究 2
  8. 关于政务微博发展过程中存在的问题的研究 3
  9. 关于如何促进政务微博健康发展的研究 4
  10. 研究方法 5
  11. 文献研究法 5
  12. 案例分析法 5
  13. 政务微博发展的现状 6

(一) 全国政务微博发展规模整体概况 6

(二)政务微博的积极作用 7

  1. 信息公开 7
  2. 提供官民互动沟通渠道,促进民众参政议政 7
  3. 热点事件回应 8
  4. 塑造政府形象 9
  5. 当前政务微博存在的问题及原因 10

(一)存在的问题 10

  1. “僵尸账号” 10
  2. 创作内容质量参差不齐,缺少原创 10
  3. 互动力度不足,亲和力欠缺 11
  4. 突发事件回应有待改善 11

(二)导致问题的主要原因 12

  1. 工作人员专业素养较低 12
  2. 公众参与积极性有待提高 13
  3. 执政人员的执政理念与民众信息需求冲突 13
  4. 微博平台本身的缺陷 14
  5. 促进政务微博良性运行的建议 15

(一)政府方面 15

  1. 出台相关规章制度,规范化运营 15
  2. 提高政务微博运营人员专业素质 15
  3. 改变执政理念,加强与粉丝互动 16
  4. 建立健全突发事件应急机制 16

(二)微博平台方面 17

  1. 加强与政府合作,建立政务微博推广机制 17
  2. 加大平台监管力度,正确引导舆论 17
  3. 加强与其他政务新媒体的合作 17

(三)公众方面 18

结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 23


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