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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-06 20:01:56  


摘 要

茂名滨海新区给水厂工程服务范围为:电城片区、博贺湾新城综合服务片区、博贺镇生活片区、博贺度假岛片区和博贺新港片区内的生活用水。本设计根据设计任务书资料,对茂名某给水厂工程进行设计。本工程服务范围内近期 2020 年需水量为 9.934 万 m³/d。根据水量预测结果,近期需水量为 9.934 万 m³/d,确定茂名滨海新区给水厂近期设计规模为 10万m³/d。 给水厂考虑 5%的自用水量,故原水需要量为 10.5万 m³/d。由于水源水质达地面水二类水标准,根据原水水质表,没有特殊污染物质,所以采用常规净水处理工艺大致流程为:取水泵房、混凝池、沉淀池、过滤池、清水池、二泵房。本设计范围:水厂进水井至水厂出水井。要求完成:水质与水量确定与计算、处理标准与设计规模、工艺流程的比选,各处理构筑物的设计、计算,主要处理构筑物的构造及设备的规格型号的确定。

关键词:给水厂 排泥水 生活用水

Engineering design of a water supply plant in Maoming


The engineering service scope of the water supply plant of maoming binhai new area is: electric city area, bohe bay new town comprehensive service area, bohe town living area, bohe holiday island area and bohe xingang area. This design according to the design task book data, carries on the design to the maoming some waterworks project. The water demand in the service area of this project in the near future is 99,340 m /d in 2020. According to the predicted water quantity, the water demand in the near future is 99,340 m/d, and the design scale of the water plant in the near future is determined to be 100,000 m/d. Considering 5% water for the water plant's own use, the raw water requirement is 105,000 m /d. Since the water quality of the source meets the ground water grade ii water standard, according to the raw water quality table, there are no special pollutants, so the general process of the conventional water purification treatment process is as follows: water intake pump room, coagulation pool, sedimentation pool, filter tank, contact pool, activated carbon filter, cleaning pool, and two pump room. This design scope: water plant into the well to water plant out of the well. Requirements: determination and calculation of water quality and water quantity, comparison and selection of treatment standards and design scale, process flow, design and calculation of each treatment structure, mainly dealing with the structure of the structure and the determination of equipment specifications and models.

Key words: water plant;drainage;domestic water


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 基本资料 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 工艺选择 1

1.2.1混合 1

1.2.2 絮凝 2

1.2.3 沉淀 2

1.2.4 过滤 2

1.2.5 消毒 3

1.2.6 污泥处理 3

第二章 水处理构筑物的设计计算 4

2.1 取水泵房 4

2.1.1 集水井 4

2.1.2 一泵房 4

2.1.3配水井 4

2.2 混凝 5

2.2.1 混凝设计 5

2.2.2 絮凝池 6

2.3 沉淀 8

2.4 V型滤池 10

2.4.1 滤池设计计算 10

2.4.2 反冲洗系统设计 11

2.5 消毒 13

2.5.1 加氯量 13

2.5.2 加氯间、氯库尺寸 13

2.6 清水池 14

2.6.1清水池有效容积 14

2.6.2清水池的尺寸 14

2.7 二泵房 14

2.7.1设计参数 14

2.7.2选泵 15

第三章 污泥处理构筑物设计计算 16

3.1 排水池 16

3.1.2水池进出水管 16

3.1.1排水池尺寸设计 16

3.2 排泥池 16

3.2.1污泥池容积的确定 16

3.2.2排泥池提升泵 16

3.3 污泥浓缩池 17

3.4 污泥脱水机房 18

第四章 水厂平面与高程布置 19

4.1总体布置 19

4.2附属建筑物面积设计 19

4.3高程布置 20

第五章 致谢 22

第六章 参考文献 23

第一章 基本资料

1.1 工程概况

设计水量:通过对工程服务范围内需水量进行分析预测,得出数据:近期2020年需水量约为9.934 m³/d,远期2030年需水量约为18.269 万 m³/d。基于此预测数据中对于近期需水量的估测,确定茂名滨海新区给水厂近期设计规模为 10 万m³/d。由于给水厂需考虑5%的自用水量,所以原水需要量应为 10.5 万 m³/d=4375 m³/h=1.21 m³/s。

水源水质:儒洞河及河角水库水质目标均为 II 类水体。


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